Wix SMS: Your SMS Quota

4 min read
In this article
  • Viewing your SMS quota
  • Increasing your SMS quota
  • FAQs
Your monthly SMS quota determines the number of texts you can send each month. Your quota is made up of:
  • The number of texts included in your site plan.
  • The number of texts included in any standalone SMS plan you've purchased.
For example, you could have 200 texts included in your site plan and an additional 500 texts included in your SMS plan.
A screenshot of an SMS quota on the SMS Settings page.

Viewing your SMS quota

Check your SMS quota so you know how many monthly SMS messages you have used and how many you have left to send.
View your SMS quota
  • SMS messages are sent to customers via pre-installed automations. Once an automation is activated, it starts deducting from your SMS quota each time it is triggered. To stop it from deducting from your quota, disable the toggle under Your automated texts.

Increasing your SMS quota

To add more SMS (text) messages to your monthly quota, you can either upgrade your existing site plan or purchase a standalone Wix SMS plan.
Each site plan includes a certain number of SMS messages per month. If you need additional SMS messages but don't want to change your site plan, you can purchase a Wix SMS plan. Learn more about upgrading Wix SMS.

To increase your SMS quota:

  1. Go to SMS Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Choose what to do:


Click a question below to learn more about your SMS quota.