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Wix Bookings: Creating Appointments Using the Wix App

10 min
In this article
  • Step 1 | Create an appointment in the Wix app
  • Step 2 | Fill out your service details
  • Step 3 | Set your price and payment details
  • Step 4 | Edit or add additional service details
  • FAQs
The Wix app enables you to create new appointment services from your mobile device, while you're on the go.
Appointments are services that clients can book whenever a time slot is available. For example, a hairdresser may be available from 9 AM until 7 PM and clients can book any time that isn't already taken.

Step 1 | Create an appointment in the Wix app

Create a new service and choose 'Appointment' to get started.
Wix app
Wix Studio app
  1. Go to your site in the Wix app.
  2. Tap Manage  at the bottom.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can tap Add  at the bottom, then select Service and tap Appointment. Then skip ahead to the Step 2 section steps below.
  3. Tap Booking Services, or tap Catalog and select Booking Services
  4. Tap + Create New Service at the bottom.
  5. Tap Appointment.
A screenshot showing where to book an appointment on your app.

Step 2 | Fill out your service details

Add information about what clients can expect from the appointment. Include a detailed description to give clients a clearer idea of what you offer. You can also set the duration of your appointment and add any buffer time you may need before the next appointment.
A screenshot showing where to fill out  new appointment details.

To fill out your service details:

  1. Add your service details:
    • Name: Enter a name for the appointment. 
    • Category: Select a category from the drop-down menu (if you created categories).
    • Tagline (optional): Enter a tagline that will appear below the service name on your app.
    • Description (optional): Enter a description that will appear on the service page of your app.
    • Duration: Select how long your session lasts from the drop-down menu. 
    • Buffer time: Select the amount of time you want between sessions to create a short break before the next one begins.
      Note: Duration and buffer time affect your appointment availability. Learn more about what effects appointment availability.
  2. Tap Continue.

Step 3 | Set your price and payment details

Make your pricing clear and easy to understand. Choose how clients can pay for appointments, per session, with a plan, or both. You can choose to set a fixed price, offer a customized price, or provide the service for free. 
A screenshot showing where to choose your price per session for appointments.

To set your price and payment details per session:

Choose how you want your clients to pay for the service:

Step 4 | Edit or add additional service details

Finalize your service details by adding pricing plans, selecting your service location, and assigning staff members. Decide whether to show the appointment on your service list or keep it hidden until you're ready to take bookings. Make your service visible right after creating it to maximize exposure and attract clients quickly.

To edit or add additional service details:

  1. Choose what you want to edit or add:
2. Tap the Visibility icon  at the top when you're ready to show the appointment on your site. 
3. Tap Done.


Click a question below to learn more about appointments on the Wix app and member apps. 
A screenshot showing where to book an appointment on your app.
A screenshot showing where to fill out  new appointment details.
A screenshot showing where to choose your price per session for appointments.