Wix Studio FAQs: Using the Workspace
4 min
In this article
- Workspace features
- Managing teams
- Managing clients
The Wix Studio workspace is your platform to manage projects, collaborate with your team, and work seamlessly with clients. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the Wix Studio workspace.
Read the full article on creating and setting up a workspace.
Workspace features
Click a question below to explore the Wix Studio workspace features.
What is a workspace?
How do I create a new workspace?
How does the dashboard change in Wix Studio?
How many workspaces can I have in Wix Studio? Is there a limit?
Can I move sites between workspaces?
Does the workspace offer bulk actions?
Which updates will be showcased in the Wix Studio workspace?
What will be my dashboard experience if I switch back?
Managing teams
Click a question below to learn more about managing teams in Wix Studio.
Can I join different teams in Wix Studio?
Who is considered a teammate?
Will I be able to keep track of my team's Customer Care tickets?
Managing clients
Click a question below to learn more about managing your clients in Wix Studio.
Who is considered an external site collaborator?
What does the client handover experience look like?
What other client-focused tools does Wix Studio offer?
Can I sell website templates in Wix Studio?
If you add an app to a client's website, does the client take over paying for that app?