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Wix Bookings: Managing the Participant List for a Course

10 min
In this article
  • Adding participants to a course
  • Removing participants from a course
  • Updating clients' payment statuses for a course
  • Viewing custom booking form responses
  • Contacting your course participants
  • Emailing course participants
Wix Bookings allows you to manage the participant list for your courses efficiently. You can keep track of who has paid, contact participants by email or SMS notification, update contact details, and add or remove clients. This helps you stay organized and ensures smooth communication with your participants. For example, if you run a yoga studio, you can easily update attendees about schedule changes or send reminders about upcoming sessions.
Any changes made to the participants list for a course apply to all remaining sessions of the course.
A screenshot showing the participants list for a course.

Adding participants to a course

You can add a new participant to your course or edit an existing booking to update the number of people registered. Choose from a list of existing clients or create a contact for new clients before adding them to the course. You can also choose how you want the client to pay for the course. 

To add a participant to a course:

  1. Go to Booking Calendar in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant course in your calendar.
  3. Click Manage next to the number of participants. 
  4. Click + Add Participant.
  5. Click the Name field.
  6. Select who you want to add: 
    • An existing client: Type the name of your client or select them from the list.
    • A new client: Click + Add Contact, enter the participant's details and click Save.
  7. Enter the total number of participants for the booking under Group of.
    Note: You can only edit this number before the service is marked "Paid". 
  8. Choose an option under How do you want to charge your client?:
    • Charge with an invoice: Email an invoice to the client to get paid online. 
    • Collect payment later: Charge the client for each course session using the Manage Participants or the Orders dashboard. 
    • Mark as paid: Mark the session as 'Paid'. This option is useful for clients who pay in person. 
  9. (Optional) Select the Send confirmation email to participant checkbox. 
  10. Choose a saving option:
    • Save & Add Another: Save the participant and start adding another one. 
    • Save: Save the participant and return to the Participants list.
A screenshot showing how to add a group of participants to a course.

Removing participants from a course

If clients can no longer attend the course for any reason, you can remove them to open up spaces for others.
Cancellation and no-show fees:
For courses, you can apply a one-time cancellation fee to remove a client from the entire course. It's not possible to remove a client from just one session; you must cancel the entire booking since all course sessions are reserved together. Read more about cancellation and no-show fees.

To remove a participant from a course:

  1. Go to Booking Calendar in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant course in your calendar.
  3. Click Manage next to the number of participants. 
  4. Click the More Actions icon   next to the participant you want to remove.
  5. Click Remove
A screenshot showing how to remove a participant from a course.
  1. Depending on the type of order, follow the steps below: 
Need to issue a refund?
You can issue a refund through the Orders page in your site's dashboard.

Updating clients' payment statuses for a course

You can update the payment status for any participant at any time from the Manage Participants page. The options you see depend on the payment settings you choose when creating the course service, as well as the payment providers you add

To update a client's payment status for a course:

  1. Go to Booking Calendar in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant course in your calendar.
  3. Click Manage next to the number of participants. 
  4. Click Collect Payment next to the participant you want to collect payment from. 
  5. Choose how you want to charge your client:

Viewing custom booking form responses

If you add custom questions to the form clients fill out when they book a service, you can view their responses from the participants list. Simply click the relevant client to see what they answered.  
Learn more about viewing Booking Form responses
A screenshot showing a custom form response in the participants list for a course.

Contacting your course participants

Update your members about changes to an upcoming session or anything else they need to prepare beforehand. 

To contact your course participants:

  1. Go to Booking Calendar in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant course in your calendar.
  3. Click Manage.
  4. Click the More Actions icon  next to the relevant client. 
  5. Click Send message.
  6. Click the Message via drop-down and choose what type of message you want to send:
    • Chat: Send your client a chat message through your site. They can only see these messages when they log in to your site. 
    • Email: Send your client an email using the address they provide when they sign up for your services. 
    • SMS: Send your client an SMS message. You can only send an SMS via your business phone number
  7. Enter your message. 
  8. (Optional) Click the relevant icon to add Saved Replies Payment Requests Emojis Attachments  and more. Learn more about replying to messages in Wix Inbox.
  9. Click the Send icon .

Emailing course participants

You can send important updates via email to specific clients or to all participants in the course using the Participants List. 
  • You must have a default mail client set up on your computer to use this option. 
  • If you use Outlook as your mail client, remove spaces between the semicolons separating the participants' emails. This helps guarantee the emails are sent correctly.

To email contacts on your participants list:

  1. Go to Booking Calendar in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant course in your calendar.
  3. Click Manage next to the number of participants. 
  4. Select the checkbox next to the relevant client(s), or select the Client checkbox at the top to email everyone. 
  5. Click Send Email
A screenshot showing how to email clients from the participants list for a course.
  1. Create the message in your mail client and send it.