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Customizing the Checkout Page

9 min
In this article
  • Customizing the checkout form
  • Adding a business name or logo to the header
  • Adding site policies
  • Customizing payment settings
  • Gift cards
  • Save customers' credit cards on file
  • Enabling authorization and capture
  • Receipt automation
  • FAQs
This article is relevant for Wix Stores, Wix Bookings, Wix Restaurants Orders (New) orders, and Wix Donations.
Your site's Checkout page is where customers enter their details, chose a delivery method, and pay for their orders. While you can't customize the Checkout page from your editor, this article will walk you through how you can use the dashboard settings to customize your Checkout page to suit your business needs. 
Screenshot of a site's checkout page

Customizing the checkout form

The Checkout page comes with a number of essential fields that cannot be deleted: email, first name, last name, and the delivery details (i.e. the address info). 
In addition, you can add custom fields to help you collect the information you need. These can include multiple choice fields, text fields, and more.
You can preview the customer detail and delivery detail fields in the Checkout page by clicking the Preview tab at the top.

To customize checkout page fields:

  1. Go to Checkout Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Edit under Checkout form.
  3. Choose what to do next:
If you added an Additional Info field before Feb. 2024:
  • If you added a custom field before we released advanced checkout forms, it will still appear on your live site. No need to update anything. 
  • You'll see the field in the new form composer, but without most of the customization options (e.g. without the option to add placeholder text). It appears next to your default fields.
  • To customize fields added before Feb. 2024, delete the field and re-add it. Note that this cannot be undone.

Adding a business name or logo to the header

Decide what to display at the top of the Checkout Page. You can display your company's logo:
Screenshot of the top of a site's checkout page, with the logo outlined
You also have the option of displaying your company name.
Screenshot of the top of a site's checkout page, with the company name outlined
Before you begin:
If you have not already done so, go to Settings in your site's dashboard, click Business info, and add your company name and logo.

To customize the header:

  1. Go to Checkout Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Edit under Checkout header.
  3. Select a header option and customize it: 
    • Display your logo: 
      1. Click Logo.
      2. Click the Show "checkout" next to the logo toggle to enable or disable it.
      3. Select a logo size.
      4. Select an alignment, side or center.
    • Display your business name:
      1. Click Name.
      2. Select an alignment, side or center.
  4. Click Save.

Adding site policies

Display your site's policies on the checkout page so customers know what to expect. Policies can appear: 
  • As clickable links in the footer of your checkout page
  • (Optional) Next to a policy checkbox that customers must agree to before checking out
Screenshot of the top of a site's checkout page, with the policies and the policy agreement checkbox outlined

To create site policies:

  1. Go to checkout settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to the Policies section.
  3. Select the policies you want to create.
Screenshot of the part of the checkout settings page where you can select the policies you want to create
  1. Enter the policy text.
As soon as you select the checkbox next to a policy and enter text, it's displayed in the footer of your Checkout page.
  1. (Optional) Create a custom policy (e.g. Shipping Policy):
    Note: Custom policies do not appear next to a policy checkbox.
    1. Select the Custom Policy checkbox.
    2. Enter a policy name.
    3. Enter the policy text.
  2. (Optional) Add a policy agreement checkbox:
    Note: This means customers are asked to agree to your policies before completing checkout.
    1. Click the Policy agreement checkbox toggle to enable it
    2. Select a Checked by default setting:
      • Selected: The checkbox is already checked on the Checkout Page.  
      • Deselected: Customers need to select the checkbox to agree with your policy and check out.  
  3. (Optional) Click the Contact us toggle to enable it and add all the contact information. 

Customizing payment settings

You can customize a number of payment settings, including displaying the 'Redeem a gift card' link. 

Gift cards

The option to enter a gift card code at checkout is automatically enabled if you set up gift cards.
Do not disable the toggle after selling gift cards, since it will prevent gift card recipients from being able to redeem cards.
Screenshot of part of the checkout page with the

To add or remove the gift card link:

  1. Go to Settings in your site's dashboard. 
  2. Click the Gift cards toggle to enable or disable it:
    • Enabled: The "Redeem a gift card" link appears on the Checkout Page so customers can pay for orders using a gift card.
    • Disabled: Customers are unable to redeem gift cards.

Save customers' credit cards on file

Give customers the option of letting you save and charge their credit or debit cards. 
  • Use this payment method correctly to avoid charging customers unexpectedly.
  • Make sure you read this article to learn how to save cards responsibly. 
  • To charge clients' saved cards, you must use a payments provider that supports this feature, such as Wix Payments or Isracard
You can add this checkbox to the Checkout page. When customers pay with a credit or debit card, they can select the checkbox. This allows you to securely save cards on file and charge customers later, with their consent and knowledge.
Screenshot of payment part of checkout page, with the checkbox for allowing the business to save the card outlined

Enabling authorization and capture

By enabling the toggle, you can authorize payments first and then capture (collect) the actual payments later. If there's an order you choose not to fulfil, you can void the payment without needing to process a refund. 
  • Authorization and capture is available only through Wix Payments
  • Authorization and capture can only be applied to orders paid for through a credit card payment. This means that additional payment methods, such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and the manual payment method will be hidden from your website (see FAQ below).
  • It's not currently possible to collect partial captures.
Payment is then held for up to 7 days. When you're ready to collect or void the payment, you can access the order in the dashboard, click the Collect Payment button, and select Capture payment or Void payment.
At checkout, your customer isn't notified that the payment isn't sent immediately.

Receipt automation

You can set it so a receipt is automatically sent to your customers every time you receive payment for an order. If an order was paid for using more than one payment, for example 2 credit cards, a separate receipt will be sent for each one.

To automatically generate a receipt for every payment:

  1. Go to Checkout Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Scroll down and click Receipt Settings to set up your receipt.
    Important: Make sure to set up receipts before issuing them.  
  3. Click the Create receipt when a payment is added to the order toggle to enable automatic receipts.
Screenshot of the setting in the Wix checkout settings where you can enable automatic receipts
If you previously issued invoices automatically for every paid order, they will no longer be sent.


Click a question below to learn more.
Screenshot of a site's checkout page
Screenshot of the top of a site's checkout page, with the logo outlined
Screenshot of the top of a site's checkout page, with the company name outlined
Screenshot of the top of a site's checkout page, with the policies and the policy agreement checkbox outlined
Screenshot of the part of the checkout settings page where you can select the policies you want to create
Screenshot of part of the checkout page with the
Screenshot of payment part of checkout page, with the checkbox for allowing the business to save the card outlined
Screenshot of the setting in the Wix checkout settings where you can enable automatic receipts