Online Programs: Creating a New Program in the Wix Owner App

6 min read
Create programs that inspire, teach and get your members to engage with your site. Using the Wix Owner app, you can create your next program on the go. 

Step 1 | Choose a template

Head over to the Wix Owner app to get started. You can build your own program from scratch, or use an existing template for courses, fitness challenges, nutrition plans, or personal coaching. You can edit the program details later. 

To choose a template:

  1. Go to your site in the Wix Owner app.
  2. Tap Manage  at the bottom.
  3. Tap Online Programs.
  4. Tap + Create a Program.
  5. Tap the type of program you want to create:
    • Blank Template: Create a program from scratch.
      1. Enter a name for your program and tap Next.
      2. Choose the pace (Self-Paced or Scheduled) and tap Next
      3. Set the duration (Unlimited or Time Limit) and tap Let's go
    • Template: Choose a program template that fits your needs.
      1. Tap the relevant program topic (e.g. Fitness Challenge). 
      2. Scroll through the available templates and tap the desired one.
      3. Tap Edit This Template.
A screenshot of the available Online Programs templates on the Wix Owner app.

Step 2 | Enter your program's Info

Once you choose the program template, it becomes a draft and you can start to edit the details. 
Introduce the program to your members and invite them to join. You can customize the pricing, scheduling and the badges members can earn.

To enter your program's info:

  1. (In your new program draft) Tap the Info tab.

  2. Choose which settings to edit in your program:
Add and assign instructors to your program from your site's dashboard.

Step 3 | Add sections and steps to your program

Add content to your program by adding steps that help participants reach their goals. Upload photos to make the program more interactive and a feedback form or questionnaire to keep people engaged. 
You can also add a section to organize steps for your participants, making it easier for them to stay on track.
Sections are only available for self-paced programs. 

To add sections and steps:

  1. (In your new program draft) Tap the Content tab.

  2. Add new content to your program or adjust the existing content, if you're using a template:
A screenshot of adding a step in the Wix Owner app.
You can easily reorganize your steps and sections using drag and drop. 

Step 4 | Publish your program and invite participants

After adding sections and steps to your program, publish it and start inviting people to join.

To publish your program and invite participants:

  1. Tap the More Actions icon . at the top right.
  2. Tap Publish.
  3. Tap Publish to confirm. 
A screenshot of the Publish confirmation,
  1. (Optional) Invite people to join your program:
    1. Tap Invite Participants.
    2. Choose how you want to invite people to join:
      • Invite members: Type a member's name in the text box or select the checkbox next to the relevant member(s), then tap Done.
      • Invite Another Way: Invite people to join your program by sending them an SMS, a link to join your program or through social media.
A screenshot of the various ways to invite participants.

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