Online Programs: Upgrading Your Site

2 min read
Upgrade your site so people can start joining your program. You'll have access to unlimited participants and advanced features directly from your site's dashboard or the Wix Owner app.
Before you begin:
If you have not already done so, add Online Programs to your site for free. Some Wix templates already include Online Programs, making it easier for you to get started.
In this article, learn more about:

Upgrading your site

When you upgrade your site, you can invite participants to your programs. Additionally, people can join your program and become participants, connecting with others who share similar goals. 
You can conveniently upgrade your site either from your site's dashboard or directly from the Wix Owner app (on Android).
Make sure to choose a plan that accepts payments.
Owner app
  1. Go to your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Upgrade at the top. 
A screenshot of the Upgrade in a site's dashboard.
  1. Click Select under the plan that suits your needs.
  2. Select the relevant billing cycle then click Continue to Checkout.
  3. Enter your payment details.
  4. Click Submit Purchase.
After submitting your purchase, your bank may require you to verify your identity. If you're experiencing any issues with the authentication process, contact your bank directly.


Click a question below to learn more about upgrading your site.

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