CMS: Adding a Dynamic Page for Managing Items from Your Live Site

6 min read
Add a pre-built dynamic page that allows collaborators and site members to manage your CMS (Content Management System) collection content from your live site. You can limit access to the page to collaborators and site members with specific Member Roles or who purchased specific pricing plans
Screenshot of what the dynamic Manage Item page looks like on a live site.
This feature is available in the Studio Editor only. However, you can create a similar page in the Wix Editor with input elements and interactive buttons. Learn how to create a page in the Wix Editor that lets members edit collection content from your live site

How the dynamic Manage Item page works

This dynamic Manage Item page includes a version for each item, each version with its own dynamic URL. The page includes a pre-connected input element for each collection field that can connect to an input. The following supported field types get automatically connected to the relevant inputs: Text, Number, URL, Boolean, Date, Time, Image, Rich Text, Address

On the live version of the page, visitors first choose which collection item they want to edit from the Dropdown input near the top. This navigates visitors to the relevant version of the page. Then, visitors use the input elements and buttons connected to dataset actions to add, edit, or delete the relevant content. You can customize the page like any other dynamic page.
Screenshot showing the datasets that connect to the input elements on the page.

Permissions in the page settings

By default, the page's permissions are set to "Members only - All members", which also grants page access to site collaborators. You can fine-tune the page permission settings if needed. For example, you could set the page permissions to "Members only - Only selected members or paying customers". This setting lets you limit access to collaborators and members with specific roles or who purchased specific pricing plans
Screenshot of selecting specific Member Roles that can access the page.

Permissions in the collection

By default, collection permissions are set to 'Collect content' and 'Everyone can view'. This means only admins and collaborators can use the inputs to update the content. If you want to make this page work for others, make sure to adjust the collection's permissions to specify who can view, add, update, and delete content. 

Adding and setting up the page

Choose the Manage Content option when adding a dynamic page for your collection. Adjust your collection's permissions and set the page permissions to limit access to collaborators or members with specific roles.

To add and set up a dynamic page for managing content:

  1. Go to your editor.
  2. Click CMS  on the left side of the editor. 
  3. Click Your Collections.
  4. Hover over the relevant collection and click the More Actions icon .
  5. Select Add dynamic page
A screenshot of adding a dynamic page in the Studio Editor.
  1. Select Manage item page and click Add to Site
Screenshot of selecting the dynamic page for managing content.
  1. Click Create Page.
  2. Modify the collection permissions
    1. Click Go to permissions in the banner at the bottom of the editor to edit the collection permissions.
      Tip: If the banner disappears before you click it, follow the steps below to go to your collection permissions:
      1. Hover over the relevant collection in the Your Collections panel on the left and click the More Actions icon .
      2. Select Permissions & privacy.
    2. Edit the collection permissions: 
      1. Click the What type of content will you store in this collection drop-down and choose a preset setting (e.g. Collect content or Custom).
      2. Click the relevant drop-downs to choose who can view, add, delete and update content.
      3. Click Save.
Screenshot of editing a collection's permissions.
  1. Edit the page permissions to determine who has access to the page:
    1. Click Pages  on the left side of the editor.
    2. Hover over your dynamic Manage Item page and click the More Actions icon .
      Tip: By default, the page is titled: {Collection Name} (Manage Item)
    3. Select Settings
    4. Click the Permissions tab at the top. 
    5. Select an option under Which members can access this page?:
      • All members: Any signed in member or site collaborator can access this page.
      • Only selected members or paying customers: Limit access to collaborators and members with specific roles or customers who purchased specific pricing plans. Choose from the following: 
        • Select from your Member Roles: Allow collaborators or members with specific roles to access the page:
          1. Click the Edit icon  under Select from your Member Roles.
          2. Select the roles that you want to have access to the page and click Apply. 
        • Select from your Pricing Plans: Allow customers who purchased specific pricing plans to access the page:
          1. Click the Edit icon  under Select from your Pricing Plans.
          2. Select the plans that, when purchased, give customers access to this page and click Apply.
Screenshot of setting page permissions to allow selected members or paying customers.
  1. (Optional) Modify any of the input elements or buttons that connect to your dataset and CMS collection: 
    1. Click the relevant input element or button and select the Connected to CMS icon .
    2. Edit the connections in the Inspector panel on the right. Learn more about connecting elements to a dataset to display collection content.
  2. Customize any other elements on the page you'd like to adjust. For example, you could edit the text near the top that explains to site members how to use the components to edit collection content. 
  3. Click the Preview icon  at the top right to test your dynamic list page.
  4. Click Publish when you are ready to make the changes go live. 
Add a link to your new dynamic Manage Item page so visitors with relevant permissions can access it on your live site. 

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