Online Programs: Managing Your Program Participants

6 min read
Your participants are the heart of your online program. From the participants list, you can manage them as needed – invite new people to join, track your participants' progress and communicate with them directly. You can also filter the list to find specific participants faster.
In this article, learn more about: 

Inviting participants to join

Invite participants to join your programs by emailing them a link, adding them directly, sending them a link, or creating an email campaign. You can also use the Wix Owner app to invite participants to download a Wix member app and join via the app. 
  • Publish and upgrade your site so people can start joining your program. 
  • It's not possible to invite participants to programs in progress with fixed start and end dates. Make sure to invite participants before these programs are set to start. 

To invite participants:

  1. Go to Online Programs in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant program. 
  3. Click Invite Participants.
  4. Choose how you want to invite participants:
A screenshot of the Share Program drop-down where you can invite or add participants to your program.

Viewing and filtering your program participants list

When viewing your participant list, the first thing you see is a snapshot of their performance. From there, you can add a filter to view participants by status, performance, or join date. 

To view and filter your participants list:

  1. Go to Online Programs in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant program.
  3. Click Manage next to Participants.
  4. (Optional) Filter the list to find specific participants:
    1. Click Add Filter
    2. Choose which filters you want to add:
      • Status: Click the checkbox next to the relevant status to view where participants are in the program.
      • Performance: Click the checkbox next to the relevant metric to view participants by performance.
      • Join Date: Select a date range to view participants that joined within the range. 
    3. Click Close Filters to close the filter panel and view the full list. 
A screenshot of filtering a participant list.
  • Click Clear All to remove all the filters you've added. 
  • Click the relevant heading at the top of the list to sort it by available options like performance, pricing, or certificate.

Tracking your participants' progress

From your participant list, you can monitor their progress and dive into their data. See how many steps they've completed or missed, any feedback they've left and the last time they were active. 

To track your participants' progress:

  1. Go to Online Programs in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant program.
  3. Click Manage next to Participants.
  4. Hover over the relevant participant and click View Steps
  5. Click the All steps drop-down and select an option:
    • All steps: View the participant's progress for all the program's steps. 
    • Steps with questionnaire and/or quiz: View only the participant's progress for steps that include a questionnaire or quiz. 
    • Steps without questionnaire and/or quiz: View only the participant's progress for steps that do not include a questionnaire or quiz. 
A screenshot of a participant's progress in an online program.

Sending messages to your participants

Chatting with participants is a great way to stay in touch and make sure they have everything they need. You can also send them a message encouraging them to complete the program steps. Next time they open the relevant Wix member app, they can see and respond to your message.

To send messages to your participants:

  1. Go to Online Programs in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant program.
  3. Click Manage next to Participants.
  4. Click the More Actions icon  next to the relevant participant and select Open Chat
  5. Send your participant a message using the message composer at the bottom of their contact card. 
A screenshot of the message composer on a participant's contact card.

Removing participants

You can remove participants from programs at any time. When you remove participants, all their data is deleted. If they decide to join again, their progress will be lost. 

To remove participants:

  1. Go to Online Programs in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant program.
  3. Click Manage next to Participants.
  4. Click the More Actions icon  next to the relevant participant and select Remove
  5. Click Yes, Remove to confirm.
A screenshot showing how to remove participants.


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