Online Programs: Showing or Hiding the Number of Program Participants

3 min read
Current participants and other site visitors can see the total participants on the Programs Page of your live site. You can decide if you want to show or hide the total participants you have for each program. You can also choose which participant information you want to show in the relevant members app
Wix Editor
Studio Editor
Owner app
  1. Go to your editor.
  2. Click Pages & Menu  on the left side of the editor.
  3. Click Program Pages.
  4. Select the relevant program page.  
    Note: Changing the Program List page element applies the change to other view too. 
A screenshot showing how to access your Program Page in the Editor.
  1. Click the relevant program element on your page.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click the Display tab.
  4. Disable the Participants toggle to hide the number of participants from your site.   
  5. Save or Publish your site to make the change go live.
A screenshot of the Wix Online Programs settings panel in the Wix editor
Customize the program details such as your program's cover image, duration of the program or number of program steps.

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