Wix Online Programs: Connecting a Pricing Plan to Your Program
3 min
Make money from your program by linking it to a pricing plan. Offer different membership packages to encourage more people to subscribe. When someone buys the plan, you can automatically enroll them into your program.
If you already have pricing plans for apps such as the Wix blog, Events, or Groups, you can connect those plans to your programs too.
Finally, if a plan isn't relevant anymore, simply disconnect it.

Before you begin:
- Connect a payment method to get paid for your subscription plans.
- Upgrade your site so people can start joining your program.
Wix app
- Go to Pricing Plans in your site's dashboard.
Tip: You can also link a pricing plan to your program using the Online Programs app. - Choose what you want to do next:
Connect a new pricing plan
Connect an existing pricing plan
Disconnect a pricing plan from a program
Once you create a pricing plan, it is not currently possible to delete it. You can vote for this feature here. You can, however, hide or archive your plans as necessary to create new plans.