Wix Restaurants: Setting up Multiple Locations for Wix Table Reservations
4 min read
With Wix Table Reservations, you can manage online bookings for multiple locations, each with its own settings—hours, tables, online rules, and forms.
Notifications can also be customized per location, so your site collaborators receive alerts for specific locations only. On your live site, guests can select which location they want to book a table for.
Step 1 | Add a new restaurant location
Start by setting up your restaurant location(s). Let customers know where to find your location(s) and make it easy for them to get in touch by adding your contact details.
To add a restaurant location:
- Go to Business Info in your site's dashboard.
- Click + Add New Location next to Location and contact info.
- Enter your location details:
- Address: Start typing your restaurant's street address and select it from the drop-down list.
- Location Name: Enter a name for this restaurant location.
- Address description (optional): Enter an address description to help customers find you (e.g. rear entrance).
- Enter your new location contact details (email, phone, fax).
- (Optional) Click the Time zone drop-down and select the relevant one.
- Click Save.
Step 2 | Set up Wix Table Reservations in your new location
Set up your location's reservation system by defining your schedule, table capacities, and online booking rules. Customize your reservation form with policies and messaging, then reduce cancellations with prepayment.
To set up reservations to a location:
- Go to Table Reservations in your site's dashboard.
- Click the Table Reservations drop-down at the top left and select the relevant location.
- Click Settings at the top right.
- Set the following details:
Reservation schedule
Availability for online reservations
Customize my reservation form
Collecting payment when a reservation is made
Manage notifications I receive
Tell me more about notifications I send to customers
Step 3 | Enable your location to accept reservations
Once you're all set, enable your location to accept reservations and allow customers to start booking directly on your live site.
To enable reservations:
- Go to Table Reservations in your site's dashboard.
- Click the Restaurant Location drop-down and select the relevant location.
- Click Settings at the top right.
- Click the Online reservations are toggle to enable or disable online reservations for this location:
- Online reservations are on: Customers can book a table on your site.
- Online reservations are off: The reservations app appears on your site but customers won't be able to book a table.
Click a question below to learn more about setting up multiple restaurant locations for table reservations.
What happens if I delete a location?
Can I restore a deleted location?
Will existing reservations be deleted if I delete a location?