Reasons for Not Receiving a Free Domain Voucher
1 min
If you didn't receive the voucher, or believe it wasn't credited to your domain purchase, you may not have been eligible for one of the following reasons:
- You purchased a monthly plan: The free domain voucher is offered as a gift with purchase of selected yearly site plans. If you purchased a monthly plan you are not eligible for the free domain voucher.
- You purchased your domain name before you purchased a site plan: If you purchased your domain name prior to purchasing your Wix site plan, it is not possible to apply the voucher retroactively or offer you a refund. If you received the voucher and already have a domain name, you are welcome to use it for the purchase of another domain name.
- The voucher has already been applied: If you have a collaborator with Billing Manager permissions, they may already have applied the voucher for your site.
- Additional Features: You redeemed your voucher, but purchased additional features such as privacy, or additional years of service on top of this.
If none of the points above apply to you, please contact us and we'll be happy to check the status of your voucher.