Wix Bookings: Zoom General and Advanced FAQs
8 min
In this article
- General FAQs
- Advanced FAQs
This article covers the most frequently asked questions about using the video platform Zoom to host online video sessions with Wix Bookings.
To use video conferencing, you need to upgrade your site. View site upgrade plan details.
General FAQs
What is Zoom?
How do I set it up?
I connected to the wrong Zoom account, what do I do?
How do my members and I get Zoom links?
How do my members get Zoom passwords?
I received an email from Zoom requesting I reconnect my Zoom account. What should I do?
I have staff members working for me. How can I manage Zoom sessions for us all?
I don't see the Zoom link in my calendar, what do I do?
Can I connect Wix Bookings to a Zoom account with an enterprise plan?
Can my business hold 2 Zoom meetings at the same time?
Is the same link used for each session?
How can I make sure the Zoom link isn't shared with others?
Advanced FAQs
My Connect Zoom interface changed, what happens now?
Important information about video conferencing for Courses
How can I host multiple sessions at the same time?
(Android-only) Why doesn't my Zoom meeting open when I try to start it from the Wix app?
I need a staff member to replace the host of an online service for one session only
A staff member removed the Wix app from the Zoom app, and it is causing problems. What do I do?
I run offline services but need to offer one session exclusively online
I only want to send links to my members shortly before session
My members still receive Zoom links even after I made my service offline