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Wix Blog: Adding Notes to Your Posts

6 min
In this article
  • Adding a note to a post
  • Using mentions in a note
  • Responding to a note
  • Resolving a note
  • Editing a note
  • Deleting a note
You can add notes to your blog posts in the post composer in your site's dashboard. Notes are a great way to leave reminders for yourself or your blog's authors for changes that the post may need. 
For example, you can leave a note on a post when multiple authors are working to create a post together. 
A screenshot showing a note added to a blog post.

Adding a note to a post

Any writer or editor with access to your blog can write notes on your posts. You can also add as many notes as you want to a post. 

To add a note:

  1. Go to Blog in your dashboard. 
  2. Select the post that you want to add a note to.
  3. Click Notes in the top right corner of the post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
  1. Enter your note in the bottom right of the notes panel.
    Tip: Use the "@" symbol with a writer's name to mention them on the post, e.g. "@Jay Cee". Learn more about mentions
  2. Click Add

Using mentions in a note

You can mention writers or editors in your notes so that they receive a notification about your comment. Anyone who has access to a post can use mentions.
It's only possible to mention writers with Editor permissions or writers who are the owner of the post. 

To use mentions:

  1. Go to Blog in your dashboard. 
  2. Select the post that you want to add a mention to. 
  3. Click Notes in the top right corner of the post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
  1. Add a new note or edit an existing note.
  2. Type the @ symbol followed by the name of the person you want to mention, e.g. "@Jay Cee". 
Mentioning a writer in a note.
  1. Click Save.

Responding to a note

When someone mentions you in a note on a post, you'll receive an email notification. You can go to the post that contains the note by clicking View Note
Click View Note on the notification email about the mention.

To respond to a note:

  1. Click View Note in the email notification.
  2. Click Notes in the top right corner of the post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
  1. Click Reply under the note you want to respond to. 
  2. Enter your response.
  3. Click Reply.
Replying to a mention on a note.

Resolving a note

When you or your collaborators are finished with a note, you can resolve it. For example, if an editor tagged you in note to replace an image in a post, you can resolve the comment after you replace the image. 

Resolved notes are moved to the Resolved tab and are no longer visible on the Open tab. 

To resolve a note:

  1. Go to Blog in your dashboard. 
  2. Select the post with the note that you want to resolve.
  3. Click Notes in the top right corner of the post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
  1. Click the Mark as Resolved icon .
Resolving a note in a blog post
To see notes that were previously resolved, click the drop-down menu under Notes and select Resolved. You can also click the More Actions icon beside previously resolved notes to re-open or delete them. 

Editing a note

You can edit your post's notes if you need to change something. For example, if you realize that you mentioned the wrong person on a note, you can edit the note and mention the right person instead. 

To edit a note:

  1. Go to Blog in your dashboard. 
  2. Select the post with the note that you want to edit.
  3. Click Notes in the top right corner of the post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
  1. Click the More actions icon beside the note. 
  2. Select Edit
Edit a note on a blog post.
  1. Make your changes to the note.
  2. Click Save.

Deleting a note

You can delete notes if you no longer need them. For example, if you decide there are too many notes on a post, you can delete some of them to leave only the most important notes. 
It's not possible to recover a note after you delete it.

To delete a note:

  1. Go to Blog in your dashboard. 
  2. Select the post with the note that you want to delete.
  3. Click Notes in the top right corner of the post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
  1. Click the More actions icon beside the note.
  2. Select Delete
Delete a note on a blog post
A screenshot showing a note added to a blog post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
Mentioning a writer in a note.
Click View Note on the notification email about the mention.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
Replying to a mention on a note.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
Resolving a note in a blog post
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
Edit a note on a blog post.
A screenshot showing the notes section of a blog post in the dashboard.
Delete a note on a blog post