Performing a Traceroute for Live Site Issues

2 min read
If you are experiencing difficulties viewing your live site, one of our Customer Care experts might ask you to perform a traceroute to determine exactly where the connection issue occurs. 
Choose your operating system and follow the steps below to perform a traceroute:
  1. Right-click the Start menu and select Run.
  2. Type cmd, and then click OK.
Screenshot of running the cmd command prompt in Windows.
  1. Enter your domain in the cmd window: 
    • If you have a domain connected to your site: Type tracert (replace with your own domain name).
    • If you have a free site: Type tracert (replace "site-url-prefix" with your Site URL prefix, located in your account settings).
  2. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Take a screenshot of the information.
  4. Send your screenshot to Wix Customer Care