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Taking a Screenshot Using Windows

1 min read
Communicate what you see on your screen better by taking a screenshot using the Snipping Tool on your PC.

To take a screenshot using the Snipping Tool:

  1. Click the Windows Start button (the Windows logo).
    Note: On Windows 8.1, hover over the lower right corner of your screen, and select Search).
  2. Type Snipping Tool in the search box then select Snipping Tool.
  3. Click the top left corner of the area you want to snip.
  4. Drag the cursor down and to the right until the area you want to snip is outlined. 
  5. (Optional) Use the Highlighter to mark an area of the snip.
The Snipping Tool on Windows.
  1. Click File on the top menu.
  2. Click Save as
  3. Enter the File name
  4. Click Save. 

View more details about using the Snipping Tool
Sending your screenshot to Wix Customer Care?
Make sure to save your screenshot in one of the following file types: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .ico, .bmp, or .tiff. Learn how to add a screenshot to a support ticket.
The Snipping Tool on Windows.