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Adding a Category to Your Site Menu

3 min read
In this article
  • Adding a category to a regular site menu
  • Adding a category to an advanced site menu
You can display any of your active categories in the site menu. Choose whether you want to add them as a main menu items:
Screenshot of the site menu of a sample site
...or as subitems:
Screenshot of the site menu of a sample site with subitems displayed
  • Each active category has its own URL that you use to link in your menu.
  • Your category list doesn't appear in the mobile view of your site. Add categories to your site menu to give customers easy access.

Adding a category to a regular site menu

You can add Category pages to your site menu by linking the category page URL. When you make changes to a regular site menu, the changes appear on the mobile version of your site as well as the desktop version. 

To add categories to a regular site menu:

  1. Click Pages & Menuon the left side of the Editor.
  2. Click Site Menu.
  3. Click the Link icon  at the bottom.
  1. Select Page on the left.
  2. Select Category Page from the Which Page? drop-down.
  1. Select the category you want to display from the Which item? drop-down.
  2. Click Done.
  3. (Optional) Make the category you added into a subcategory:
    1. Click Pages & Menuon the left side of the Editor.
    2. Click Site Menu.
    3. Drag the relevant menu items under and to the right of the main menu category.

Adding a category to an advanced site menu

If you've built your site's menu using advanced menus, you can add the menu items you need and then use the advanced functionality to build submenus and sub-sub-menus. 
  • The category list on the Category Page does not appear on mobile. Add shop categories to the site menu to make them easily accessible.
  • With advanced menus, changes on desktop don't appear on mobile. Make sure you go to the mobile version of your site and add them separately there. 

To add categories to an advanced site menu:

  1. Click the advanced menu in your Editor.
  2. Click Manage Menu.
  3. Click + Add Menu Item at the bottom.
  4. Click Dynamic Pages.
  5. Select Category Page from the Which Page? drop-down.
  1. Select the category you want to display from the Which item? drop-down.
  2. Enter a page name.
    Note: This name appears in the menu.
  3. Click Done.
  4. (Optional) Create submenus.
  5. (Optional) Create sub-sub-menus.
Screenshot of the site menu of a sample site
Screenshot of the site menu of a sample site with subitems displayed