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Wix Forms: Choosing Who Gets Notified About Form Submissions

6 min
In this article
  • Types of notifications
  • Choosing who gets notified about form submissions
Control who gets notified after a visitor fills out a form. Site collaborators can receive and respond to form submissions directly from Wix Inbox, the mobile apps, and from their personal emails. You can also notify external emails not connected with your site. 
Site collaborators must be assigned Wix Inbox permissions. Go to Roles & Permissions in your dashboard to add or remove Wix Inbox permissions.

Types of notifications

There are different notification options, depending on which editor you are using. 
New Forms
Old Forms
By default, when someone submits a form, an email is automatically sent to the site owner notifying them about the submission. This email notification is built using Wix Automations. 
Additionally, you can set up Wix Automations to send a notification to your Wix Inbox when a submission comes through. 
Click below to learn about the 2 options. 

Choosing who gets notified about form submissions

Select recipients for form submission notifications. Choose if you want to send the notifications to yourself or your collaborators.
New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Go to Forms & Submissions in the site's dashboard.
  2. Click the More Actions icon next to a form.
  3. Click Form notifications
  4. Click Edit under Notifications and Automations.
    Note: You will be redirected to the Wix Automations dashboard. You can click Back to Forms to return to your Wix Forms dashboard at any time.
  5. Click Edit next to Action 1, Send an email.
  6. Scroll down to the automation action and click Set Recipients.
  7. Select the Include Additional Recipients checkbox.
    Note: This checkbox must be selected to receive notifications.  
  8. Click Collaborator Roles.
  9. Select the Collaborator roles you want to receive the form submission notifications.
  10. Click Save.
screenshot of set recipients options when sending an automated email.
You can also access Notifications and Automations by selecting the Settings tab in the form builder.
Screenshot of Wix Forms settings tab, within the wix form builder. Edit Notifications and Automations is highlighted.
To see all of your Wix Forms automations, go to Automations in your site's dashboard and click the Installed for you tab. Quickly locate a specific form's automation by using the search bar or applying filters based on the trigger app (Form) or action.
screenshot of set recipients options when sending an automated email.