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Wix Pro Gallery: Adding a Link to a Gallery Item

4 min
In this article
  • Setting gallery items to open a link when clicked
  • Changing the link's title
  • Types of links
You can set any of your gallery items (images, videos or text) to open a link when clicked. The link can take your visitor to an external website, a different page on your site or even a light box.
First, add a link to the gallery item. Then you can choose to set your gallery items to open a link when clicked. You can also adjust the link's title if you wish.

Allow your visitors to navigate effortlessly to different locations from your gallery with a single click. When visitors click a gallery item, the link opens directly within the same tab (for internal links) or a new tab (for external links). This makes it easy to explore your site or external content.
Linking to a page or web address?
You can choose to open the page or web address in a new browser window, or within the current window.

To set gallery items to open a link:

  1. Go to your editor.
  2. Click the pro gallery element on your page. 
  3. Click Settings
  4. Click the Settings tab.
  5. Click the When clicking on an item drop-down and select A link opens.
Screenshot showing the When clicking on an item drop-down and A link opens is selected.
  1. Add links to your gallery items:
    1. Click Manage Media.
    2. Click the gallery item you want to add a link to.
    3. Click the Link icon  on the right
    4. Select the link type and fill in the relevant information. 

    5. Click Done.
    6. Edit the text in the Link field.
    7. Click Done.
    8. Click Done to close the window.
Set your gallery items to open in Expand Mode?
When visitors click the gallery item, they can see your link in the Expand Mode just below the item's title and / or description.

When adding a link to a gallery item, a title for this link is automatically generated, e.g., Go to Page, Scroll to Top of Page. This title appears in the Expand Mode of the gallery item. You can change the item's link title at any time.

To change the link's title:

  1. Go to your editor.
  2. Click the pro gallery element on your page.
  3. Click Manage Media.
  4. Click the relevant image.
  5. Enter the chosen text under Link Title on the right.
  6. Click Done.
A screenshot showing where you can add a link title and then click done.

There are a many link types you can add to a gallery item, including lightboxes, anchors, and external URLS. With these link types, you can direct your site visitors to whatever content you'd like.
Click an option below to learn more about the link types:
Screenshot of What do you want to link to? popup showing all available link types.
Learn how to use linking in the Wix Pro Gallery to organize your media into sub-galleries, with each one displayed on a unique page.
Screenshot showing the When clicking on an item drop-down and A link opens is selected.
A screenshot showing where you can add a link title and then click done.
Screenshot of What do you want to link to? popup showing all available link types.