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Wix Forms: Adding a Subscriber Opt-In Checkbox to a Site Form

3 min
Add a subscriber opt-in checkbox to any of your Wix forms to turn your visitors into subscribers with one click. When visitors select the subscriber opt-in checkbox, they are giving you permission to send them marketing materials and emails. 
An example of a subscriber opt-in checkbox on a form in a live Wix site
If you are using old Wix Forms, you also have the option to add and set up a Get Subscribers form.

To add a subscriber opt-in checkbox to your form:

New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Go to your editor and click the relevant form.
  2. Click Edit Form.
  3. Click Subscribe.
  4. Click the new field in your form. 
  5. Click Settings and customize it using the available options:
    • Checkbox message: Update the text next to the checkbox. It should tell visitors what happens if they select the checkbox e.g. 'I want to subscribe to your newsletter,' or 'Make me a subscriber!'
    • Checked by default: Enable the toggle so that the checkbox displays as automatically checked. Visitors must deselect it if they don't want to subscribe.
    • Required: Enable the toggle so that visitors must fill out this field before submitting the form.
    • Enable Double opt-in: Visitors must verify their email address before they can subscribe to your mailing list.
Adding a subscribe checkbox to a form in the new Form Builder.
What's next?
  • Once visitors select the checkbox, they are added as 'subscribers' in your contact list
  • Enable double opt-in to have subscribers verify their email before they can be added to subscribers. Double opt-in ensures your emails are reaching the right audience.