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Wix Bookings: Creating and Setting up Your Booking Forms

7 min
In this article
  • Step 1 | Set up your default Booking Form
  • Step 2 | Create a custom form for a specific service
  • Step 3 | Customize the design of your forms
Clients fill out the Booking Form when they sign up for your services. You can adjust your default form, or create custom forms for each service to suit your business needs. 
For example, if you offer dog grooming, you might want to ask clients to enter the dog's name and vaccination status. If these questions are not relevant for a particular service (e.g. a lecture on dog care), then you can create a custom booking form for that service without those questions.
You can also create an additional form your clients see as they complete checkout, which covers the entire order the client makes. 
A screenshot showing an example of a booking form.

Step 1 | Set up your default Booking Form

The default booking form appears for all services, unless you create a custom booking form for a specific service. You can choose which information is mandatory.
You can also enable SMS reminders to add a checkbox at the bottom of the form. Clients can opt in to receive SMS messages 24 hours before their session.

To set up your default booking form:

  1. Go to Booking Form in your site's dashboard.
  2. Give your default booking form a title and click the Confirm icon .
  3. (Optional) Add a subtitle with more details or instructions for filling out the form.
  4. Choose how you want clients to enter their name on the form:
    1. Hover over First Name or Last Name and choose the relevant option: 
      • Split: Click the Split icon  to split the name fields into first and last name. 
      • Combine: Click the Combine icon  to combine first and last name in one field.
    2. Click the Confirm icon
  5. Click the Edit icon   on any of the remaining fields on the form to edit their text label. Select the Make this a required field checkbox if you want to make specific details mandatory before booking. Then, click the Confirm icon
A screenshot showing the make this a required field checkbox when setting up your default booking form.
  1. (Optional) Click + Add custom field if you require any additional information from clients before they can book your services, and then click the Confirm icon .
  2. Click Save Form.

Step 2 | Create a custom form for a specific service

If it's not appropriate to apply the default booking form to all your services, you can create a custom booking form for individual services.  
Before you begin:
Learn more about creating custom fields for your form if you require more detailed or specific information from your clients before they attend your services.

To set up a custom form for a service:

  1. Go to Bookings Form in your site's dashboard.
  2. Create a new service or edit an existing one.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click the Expand icon  next to Additional Settings.
  4. Click Custom booking form.  
  5. Give the custom form a title. 
  6. Add or remove the relevant fields for the service.
  7. Click Save Form.
A screenshot showing how to save a custom booking form for a service.

Step 3 | Customize the design of your forms

You can customize the layout, display design and text of your booking forms to suit your site and your brand. Keeping the design and layout as clear as possible provides a better experience for clients as they make bookings.
A screenshot showing a booking form with a custom design.

To customize the design of your forms:

Wix Editor
Studio Editor
  1. Go to your editor.
  2. Go to your Booking Form page:
    1. Click Pages & Menu  on the left side of the editor.
    2. Click Bookings Pages.
    3. Click the Booking Form page.
  3. Click the booking form element on your page.
  4. Click Settings
  5. Choose what you want to customize: 
A screenshot showing an example of a booking form.
A screenshot showing the make this a required field checkbox when setting up your default booking form.
A screenshot showing how to save a custom booking form for a service.
A screenshot showing a booking form with a custom design.