Wix Restaurants: Closing Table Reservations for Events

1 min read
Got a special event coming up? Make sure your guests know when your restaurant isn't available by adjusting your table reservations accordingly. 

You can add events to your table reservations to reflect your unavailability during this time. Guests trying to make a reservation won’t be able to book a table at your restaurant during the times you set as unavailable.

To add events to table reservations:

  1. Go to Table Reservations in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Settings at the top right.
  3. Click Online reservations.
  4. Click Edit under Online availability to set the days and times that table reservations are unavailable at your restaurant.
  5. Click + Add Special Day.
  6. Enter a name for the event.
  7. Click the Availability drop-down and choose Unavailable.
  8. Set the event's Start Time and End Time from the relevant fields. 
  9. Click Apply.
  10. Click Save.
A screenshot of adding an event for table reservations.

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