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Wix Donations: Adding and Setting Up Wix Donations

11 min read
In this article
  • Step 1 | Add Wix Donations
  • Step 2 | Create a donation campaign
  • Step 3 | Display the campaign on your site
  • Step 4 | Customize the donation form
  • Step 5 | (Optional) Customize the Checkout Page
  • Step 6 | Display multiple campaigns on your site
  • FAQs
Wix Donations makes it easy for site visitors to donate to your cause. Create multiple donation campaigns and customize each one to suit your goals. 
For example, if you run a local animal shelter and need funds for veterinary care, you can set up specific campaigns for different needs, allowing supporters to contribute. 
Screenshot of a site with a Wix donation form displayed
Before you begin:

Step 1 | Add Wix Donations

To get started, head over to the App Market to add the Wix Donation app.
Wix Editor
Studio Editor
  1. Go to your editor.
  2. Click Add Apps  on the left side of the editor.
  3. Search for the Wix Donations app in the search bar.
  4. Click Add to Site.
Screenshot of the Wix App Market in the Wix Editor, shown adding Wix Donations
What's next?
A blank donation form is added to the page you were on while adding the app. A Thank You page is also automatically added to your site. If needed, you can always add more forms for different causes (see Step 6 in this article).

Step 2 | Create a donation campaign

For each type of donation you want to request, you can create a separate campaign. For example, if you run an animal shelter, you can create a campaign for dogs and a separate one for cats. You can choose whether each one has the same donation frequency, suggested amounts, and so on.

To create a campaign:

  1. Go to Wix Donations in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Create Campaign.
  3. Enter a Campaign name.
    Tip: This name appears on the Checkout Page and in your donor's email confirmation.
  4. (Optional) Add a campaign image:
    Tip: The image appears next to the campaign name in the checkout.
    1. Click the icon under Image.
    2. Select or upload an image and click Add to Page.
  5. Select the frequency options you offer donors from the Intervals drop-down.
Screenshot of the part of the Wix Donation creation form where you select a frequency
  1. Enable or disable the Give donors suggested amounts to choose from toggle.
  2. If you enabled the toggle in step 6, select the donation amounts you display:
    1. Type the first amount in Suggested amounts and add a comma.
    2. (Optional) Add additional amounts.
  3. (Optional) Let donors enter the amount they want to donate:
    1. Click the Let donors enter their own amount toggle to enable it.
    2. Enter a minimum and maximum donation amount. 
  4. (Optional) Enable the Notes from donors toggle to let donors add their own note.
    Tip: You can change the note title in Step 4 below.
  5. Click Save.
A screenshot showing the campaign set up

Step 3 | Display the campaign on your site

Now that you have at least one campaign, you can display it on your site. You can connect one campaign to a donation form. 
  • When you add Wix Donations, a donation form is added to your site. You can cut and paste it to move it to another site page.
  • If you accidentally deleted the donation form, you can re-add it (see FAQs below).

To display a specific campaign in a donation form:

  1. Click to select the donation form in the editor.
  2. Select which campaign you want to display:
    1. Click Choose Campaign.
    2. Select a campaign from the Campaign drop-down.
After selecting a campaign, the form title is still "Make a donation". You can edit the name and description in the next step. 
Screenshot of a Wix Donations form in the Editor

Step 4 | Customize the donation form

Now that you created a campaign, you can customize it to suit your business needs and your site's design.

To customize the donation form:

  1. Click the donation form in the editor.
  2. Choose what to customize:

Step 5 | (Optional) Customize the Checkout Page

You can make any necessary customizations to the Checkout Page. For example, you can add extra fields to collect additional information.
Screenshot of the checkout page with an added custom field outlined

Step 6 | Display multiple campaigns on your site

If you collect donations for multiple campaigns, you'll need to display multiple donation forms on your site - one for each campaign.
If you want your donation forms to have a similar look as well as similar settings, save time by copying and pasting a form you already set up. Otherwise, you can start from scratch with a new, uncustomized form.
Choose the kind of form you want to add:


Click a question below to learn more about Wix Donations.
Screenshot of a site with a Wix donation form displayed
Screenshot of the Wix App Market in the Wix Editor, shown adding Wix Donations
Screenshot of the part of the Wix Donation creation form where you select a frequency
A screenshot showing the campaign set up
Screenshot of a Wix Donations form in the Editor
Screenshot of the checkout page with an added custom field outlined