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Updating Your Payment Method for a Failed Domain Payment

2 min
In this article
  • Updating your payment details
  • FAQs
Your Wix domain is set to automatically renew 30 days before the end of the subscription period. This ensures uninterrupted service and allows more time to resolve any payment issues, should they arise.
If the renewal payment is not completed by the expiration date, your domain enters a Grace Period lasting up to 30 days. Your Wix site is disconnected, and you cannot send or receive domain-based email during the Grace Period.
Some domains don’t have a grace period. These domains will enter the redemption period on the domain expiration date. Learn more about domain endings which have no Grace Period.

Updating your payment details

Update your payment details as soon as possible to reinstate your site and ensure that you keep your domain. 

To update your payment details:

  1. Go to Premium Subscriptions in your Wix account.
  2. Click Update Payment Method under the relevant domain.
A screenshot of the Update Payment Method button for a domain.
  1. Click Use another payment method and enter your card details.
    Note: If you have other cards saved, you can select them from the list. 
  2. Click Submit Payment.


Click a question below to learn more about payments for domain subscriptions.
A screenshot of the Update Payment Method button for a domain.