Unable to View Images on Your Site

1 min
If you are unable to view images on your site, you are likely experiencing a local issue. Your images may be affected by your browser's cache or blocked mistakenly by your computer or network's security programs (e.g. antivirus, firewall).

To resolve missing images on your site:

  1. Clear your browser's cache
  2. View your site using incognito or private browsing mode.
  3. View your site in the latest version of another supported browser.
  4. Temporarily disable any internet security programs installed (e.g. antivirus, firewall) and try to access your site again. It is preferable to try this while connected to the modem directly.
  5. Try viewing your Wix site from a different computer that uses a different network to connect to the internet.

If you are still unable to view images on your site, contact us with the following info:
  • The steps you've tried to resolve the issue. 
  • The URL and page name as it appears in the editor with the missing images. 
  • A screenshot of the issue.
  • The different browsers and browser versions you have tried.
    Note: Go to whatismybrowser.com to find out what browser version you are using. 
  • The internet security programs you have installed on your computer (e.g. antivirus, firewall).