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Wix Automations: Understanding Email Types

4 min
In this article
  • Promotional emails
  • Business transactional emails
  • Business critical emails
  • FAQs
When sending an automated email, you're asked to select an email type for it – promotional, business transactional or business critical. The type you choose determines your recipients' ability to mute or unsubscribe from the email, and whether or not it affects your email marketing balance.
Your email marketing balance shows the number of emails you can send to recipients each month, including automated emails. You can send 200 emails a month for free, or upgrade your plan to send more emails.

Promotional emails

Promotional emails are non-essential business information or marketing content. These types of emails will always be counted towards your monthly balance. Recipients who have unsubscribed or muted the selected notification topic will not receive this email. 
Screenshot of promotional email type in an automation created by you.

Business transactional emails

Business transactional emails include essential information to your customers, directly related to their activity on your site. Recipients who have muted the selected email notification topic will not receive this email.
These types of emails will only be counted towards your monthly balance if you're the one who created the automation. If an automation was 'Installed for you' with this email type, it will not count towards your balance. 
Screenshot of business transactional email type in an automation installed for you.

Business critical emails

Business critical emails are only meant for critical cases. These should be reserved only for emails that are absolutely necessary to send, where it makes sense to not display an unsubscribe link.
Recipients cannot mute these emails and they will be sent regardless of contact's subscription status.
These types of emails will only be counted towards your monthly balance if you're the one who created the automation. If an automation was 'Installed for you' with this email type, then it will not count towards your balance. 
Screenshot of business critical email type in an automation installed for you.


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Screenshot of promotional email type in an automation created by you.
Screenshot of business transactional email type in an automation installed for you.
Screenshot of business critical email type in an automation installed for you.