Save time by updating multiple products at once instead of editing them one by one. Bulk edits can be done in a number of different ways. Select the method that works best for you.
Making bulk updates to products from your site's dashboard
Save time by making a wide variety of changes right in the Store Products tab in your site's dashboard. You can change the base price, set a sale price, add the same info section and much more.
To make bulk changes in your site's dashboard:
- Go to Store Products in your site's dashboard.
- Select the products you want to change:
- All products: Select the checkbox at the top left.
- Individual products: Select the checkboxes next to the relevant products.
- Category: Click Filter and select 1 or more categories.
- Select the change you want to make:
Click Export to download product data for the products you selected. The information is downloaded to a CSV file.
Set your products to be visible or hidden in your online store.
You can add the same info section to multiple products.
Note: Currently, it's not possible to remove an info section from multiple products at once.
You can change the base price of products in a number of ways:
- Increase by amount: E.g. add $10 to the current price.
- Reduce by amount: E.g. lower the current price by $10.
- Set a new price: E.g. set the price to $50.
- Increase by percentage: E.g. increase the current price by 20%.
- Decrease by percentage: E.g. reduce the current price by 20%.
To change the base price of products:
- Click More Actions.

- Select Change Price.
- Select an option from the What change would you like to make? drop-down.
- Enter the amount, price, or percentage.
- Click Change Prices.
You can add a cost of goods amount to multiple products at once, or change the existing cost of goods.
You can change the cost of goods for the products you selected in a number of ways:
- Increase by amount: E.g. Increase the current cost of goods by $10.
- Reduce by amount: E.g. lower the current cost of goods by $10.
- Set a new cost of goods: Enter the relevant cost of goods.
- Increase by percentage: E.g. Increase the current cost of goods by 20%.
- Decrease by percentage: E.g. Reduce the current cost of goods by 20%.
To change the current cost of goods:
- Click More Actions.

- Select Change cost of goods.
- Select an option from the What change would you like to make? drop-down.
- Enter the amount, price, or percentage.
- Click Save.
Note: If a product has variants with different cost-of-goods amounts, they all change accordingly. For example, if the cost of goods for the small variant is $10 and for the large variant is $20, and you increase the cost of goods by $2, the new cost of goods will be $12 for small variant and $22 for large.
Create a store sale by reducing the price of multiple items by a set percentage. When you do, customers see the original price crossed out next to the sale price.
To set sale prices:
- Click More Actions.

- Select Set sale price.
- Enter the discount percentage and click Apply.
Tip: When the sale is over, you can remove the sale price by following the same steps and entering 0% as the discount percentage.
You can add the same weight to multiple products at once.
Note: If the products you selected or their variants already have weights, the new weight you enter will override it.
To change shipping weights:
- Click More Actions.

- Select Change shipping weight.
- Enter a weight and click Save.
Tip: To enter a value that is less than a pound or kilo, enter a zero before the decimal point (e.g. 0.5).
Manage product categories
You can add (or remove) the products you selected from any category. Additionally, you can create a new category. When you do, the products you selected are automatically added to it.
To manage product categories:
- Click More Actions.

- Select Manage categories.
- Select what you want to do:
- Add products: Select the checkbox next to the relevant category or categories.
- Remove products: Deselect the checkbox next to the relevant category or categories.
- Create a category: Click Create category and enter a category name.
- Click Apply.
You can add the same ribbon to multiple products or edit the text of an existing ribbon. You can also remove a ribbon from products.
Note: If the products you selected already have a ribbon, a new ribbon will replace it.
You can delete multiple products from your store, but it's important to know you won't be able to recover them.
- You can delete up to 999 products at a time.
- Instead of deleting products permanently, you can hide them from your live store. See Set visibility above.
To delete products:
- Click More Actions.

- Select Delete.
- Click Delete to confirm.
Note: This action cannot be undone.
Making bulk updates to products using a spreadsheet
You can make edits to multiple products by exporting (downloading) your products to a CSV file. After making your changes and saving them, import the file back to your store.
To make bulk updates using a spreadsheet:
- Go to Store Products in your site's dashboard.
- Click More Actions at the top right.
- Select Import.
- Click Download CSV File.
- Click Wix CSV with your products.
- Open the CSV file.
Note: Mac users should open the file with Numbers or Excel version 15 or higher. - Save the downloaded file in CSV (Comma delimited) format.
- Update the product info and save file with a different name.
- Go back to Store Products in your site's dashboard.
- Click More Actions at the top right.
- Select Import.
- Click Upload CSV File.
- Upload the updated file you saved in step 7.
- If there are error messages, correct them and import the file again.
Making bulk inventory changes