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Wix Mobile Apps: Creating Store Listing Descriptions

3 min read
Create store listing descriptions for your own native mobile app on both Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store. These descriptions communicate your app's functionality, benefits, and essential details like your business name, app icon, and keywords for better discoverability. You can use the preview screen on the right to see real-time updates based on the information you add.
The first time you fill out your Google or Apple store listing, you go through a step-by-step process. After completing these steps, you can go back and edit any details. When you set up the listing for the other platform or make updates, the listing will appear in a single form and includes the details from your previous entry.

To add your store listing details in the Google Play and Apple App Store:

  1. Go to Mobile App in your dashboard.
  2. Click the Your own mobile app tab or click the tab with the name of your own mobile app. 
  3. Scroll down and click Set up app store listings for your app.
A screenshot showing where you can go to edit your store listings.
  1. Click Get Started under the store listing you want to set up first: Google Play or Apple App Store
  2. Add a name and icon that members see in the app store.
    Note: If you have already set up your name and icon, they will appear by default. 
A screenshot showing what it looks like to update your app name and icon.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Describe your app with a promotional text and then add a description of your app's main features and functionality.
A screenshot showing where to add promotional text and description of your app
  1. Complete the Discoverability details to help members find your app in the App Stores. Follow the steps below based on the store:
A screenshot showing where you can go to edit your store listings.
A screenshot showing what it looks like to update your app name and icon.
A screenshot showing where to add promotional text and description of your app