Wix Bookings: Setting Up Your Booking Policies

8 min read
Daylight saving time impacts your booking policies. For example, this may mean that when the time changes, clients will have a shorter or longer window to book, cancel or reschedule a session.
With your booking policies, you can set how far in advance, and how close to a session, your clients can book. Set restrictions on how close to your services your clients can cancel or reschedule. For certain services, you can also allow group bookings and book after start date. 
Create different policies for different services to offer your clients and your staff more flexibility.
Screenshot showing the Booking Policies section under Booking Settings in the dashboard.
In this article, learn more about:

Adding new policies

You can add new policies at any time, and customize them to suit your needs. Offer different booking policies for each of your services, or connect several services to the same policy. This is a great way to ensure you stayed as fully booked as possible and that your staff have enough time to prepare everything. 
  • Certain policy rules and options only apply to specific service types, such as classes or courses. 
  • When you add a new policy, the policy's rules take effect for all connected services for both current and future bookings. 
  • You can also add checkout policies to your site, in addition to your booking policies. 

To add a new policy:

  1. Go to Booking Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Booking Policies
  3. Click + Add a New Policy.
  4. Enter the Policy name
  5. Select the checkboxes and choose the timeframe next to the relevant Booking Rules below:
    • Allow cancelation: Select the checkbox to allow clients to cancel their booked sessions. Define how much time before a session clients can cancel their booking by choosing one of the existing options from the drop-down, or create your own custom timeframe.
      Note: Only site members can cancel their upcoming bookings on your site. 
    • Allow rescheduling: Select the checkbox to allow clients to reschedule their booked sessions. Define how much time before a session clients can reschedule their booking by choosing one of the existing options from the drop-down, or create your own custom rescheduling timeframe.
    • Limit early bookings: Select how long before a session a client is able to book from the Limit early bookings drop-down. You can also select Custom to choose a specific timeframe (e.g. 1 week) before which clients can't make a booking.
    • Limit late bookings: Set how close to a session clients can book, for example, "24 hours before start time". Choose an existing option from the Limit late bookings drop-down. You can also click custom to choose a specific timeframe after which clients can no longer book a session.
Screenshot showing how to set your new policy rules for booking in the Booking Policies section of the dashboard.
  1. (Optional) Enter your Policy description. Let clients know your policy terms and conditions by adding a note to your service pages. Clients see the policy on the checkout page when they book. This makes it clear to your clients what your terms and conditions are when they go to make a booking.
  2. Select the Allow clients to join a waitlist for fully booked classes to enable waitlists for classes linked to the policy you are creating. 
    1. Set the Maximum waitlist capacity
    2. Choose how long An open spot will be held for from the drop-down. This is the amount of time a client has to join the class from the waitlist before the available spot goes to someone else on the waitlist.
      Note: Waitlists only apply to classes. 
  3. Set the Maximum number of participants allowed per booking under Group bookings.
    Note: Group bookings apply to classes and courses.
  4. Select the Book a course after start date checkbox to allow clients to join a course after it has already started. Clients who join a course after it has started still pay the full amount for the course.
    Tip: If you want to allow clients to book after the course has started, make sure you don't limit late bookings (see step 5 above).
  5. Click Save.
Screenshot showing how to add waitlists, group bookings and book after start date to your new booking policy.
You can also add new policies while creating new services. In the service creation form, scroll down to Booking preferences, then click the drop-down under Booking policy. Click + Add New policy, then follow the steps above to finish creating the new policy.

Managing connected services

You can move or connect services to different policies at any time. This is great for when you notice a spike in demand for particular services and need a more restrictive policy to manage the number of bookings.

To manage connected services:

  1. Go to Booking Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Booking Policies.
  3. Click the More Actions icon  next to the relevant policy. 
  4. Click Manage connected services
  5. Select the checkbox next to each service you want to connect to the policy. 
  6. Click Save
Screenshot showing how to manage which services are connected to a policy.

Setting your default policy

Choose which of your policies you want to automatically apply to all your services. This is useful when you are adding new services as your business grows. You can then link services to more customized policies whenever you need. 
  • You can't delete your default policy. However, you can make another policy the default, then delete the original default policy. 
  • When you change which of your policies is the default, and delete the original policy, all services automatically link with the new default policy. 

To set your default policy:

  1. Go to Booking Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Booking Policies.
  3. Click the More Actions icon next to the relevant policy.
  4. Click Set as default
Screenshot showing how to make a policy the default booking policy on your site.

Deleting policies

As your business grows, and your needs change, you may want to delete some of your old booking policies.
You can delete policies at any time, but make sure you choose your default policy before deleting any irrelevant policies. When you delete a policy, all connected services move to your default policy. You must have at least one booking policy at all times.

To delete a booking policy:

  1. Go to Booking Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Booking Policies.
  3. Click the More Actions icon next to the relevant policy.
  4. Click Delete
  5. Click Delete to confirm. 
Screenshot showing how to delete a booking policy.


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