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Using Your Site's Log Data in Wix SEO Reports

4 min
In this article
  • Log Data Reports in Wix Analytics
  • Using Log Data Reports to Optimize Your Site
  • Bot Traffic over Time
  • Bot Traffic by Page
  • Response Status over Time
  • Log Data Analytics Terms
The log data (or bot log report) for your site contains information about all the requests your site gets from visitors and search engine bots. A request represents an attempt to view a specific page, image, document, or any other type of file on your site. 
It also records other request data such as:
  • The date and time of each request
  • The response the request got (successful or unsuccessful) 
  • The page that was requested

Log Data Reports in Wix Analytics

You can use Wix Analytics SEO Reports to view useful information from your site's log data. 
The Bot Traffic over TimeBot Traffic by Page, and Response Status over Time reports focus on search engine bots only and do not include site visitors. This lets you see how bots behave when they visit your site. 
A screenshot of SEO reports in Wix Analytics
You can use these reports to help you optimize your site for SEO by:
  • Understanding the volume and frequency of requests to your pages
  • Identifying pages with issues such as 404 errors or 500 errors
  • Locating pages that bots are not crawling often
  • Identifying pages that bots are crawling too often

Using Log Data Reports to Optimize Your Site

You can use each of the reports to analyze a different aspect of your site's SEO and identify issues and opportunities. 

Bot Traffic over Time

This report lets you see an overview of which bots crawl your site and how often they crawl it. 
A bot traffic report graph.
You can use this information to: 
  • Understand how specific bots interact with your site by selecting them in the Line Chart Split View
  • Identify potential issues with your site using Advanced Filters.
  • Make decisions about updating your site pages to manage your crawl budget 

Bot Traffic by Page

This report lets you see which pages on your site are crawled by bots. You can use the report to identify pages that are crawled too often or not often enough. 
A bot traffic by page report.
Select the Bar Chart view or Table view to see total traffic by Response Status Code for each page on your site.
You can request that bots stop crawling certain pages on your site by editing your robots.txt file. This is an advanced feature and making changes to this file can cause issues with your site appearing in search results.

Response Status over Time

This report helps you identify pages on your site that have potential issues according to response status. You can also use it to make sure that any URL redirects you've set up on your site are working correctly. 
A response status over time report.
Use the Line View to identify trends, and the Table View to get details about specific pages.

Log Data Analytics Terms

Below are some of the terms that you can see in your Wix Marketing & SEO Reports:
Automated programs that search engines use to continually scan (or "crawl") live websites on the internet. 

Bots add the information they find to search engine databases in a process known as "indexing". 
A hit represents a single request made by a website visitor or a bot to a web server. It can be a request for a specific page, image, document, or other type of file. 
Response status
This is the response that a bot received for its request. It indicates whether the request was successful or not. 

There are different response statuses from different types, typically divided into the following categories:
  • 2XX: The bot was able to successfully request the page. This is typically represented by a 200 status.
  • 3XX: The bot was redirected to another page. For example, a 301 status represents a permanent redirect, while a 302 status represents a temporary redirect.
  • 4XX: The page was not found. It could be deleted or renamed. These types of errors need to be fixed by the user. A 404 status is the most common error.
  • 5XX: This represents a server error.
Want to learn more about SEO terms?