Studio Editor: Building a Responsive Site

3 min read

The new Studio Editor is the ultimate destination for professionals to create fully responsive sites that look great on every screen and device. With its cutting-edge features, the platform empowers you to create responsive sites with speed and precision.

Within the Studio Editor, you'll find an array of tools carefully curated to streamline your design process, ensuring ease, efficiency, and remarkable results for your projects. 
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Customize your designs per breakpoint

The Studio Editor lets you tailor sites per breakpoint, so they always look great. Breakpoints are screen width ranges, representing the possible screens and devices that visitors tend to use (e.g. tablet, mobile). 
The Studio Editor uses a cascading concept when it comes to designing across breakpoints. Changes you make on larger breakpoints trickle down to smaller breakpoints, but changes on smaller breakpoints don't affect larger breakpoints. 
A GIF showing how the site design changes when clicking different breakpoints at the top

Let AI make your sections responsive

Make your section responsive on all screen sizes in just one click, using the power of AI. The responsive AI tool identifies groups of related elements and applies the ideal layout tool for each group (e.g. stack, grid). 

Automatic resizing across breakpoints

As you're designing a site, you want to make sure the elements look great on every screen size. Edit the element's size in pixels and select a responsive behavior to take care of the rest. 
A GIF showing how to use the drag handles to resize an element on the canvas
Every element comes with a default responsive behavior (e.g. Scale proportionally), which controls the way it gets resized on other screens. This truly accelerates the design process as you don't have to go through each and every breakpoint to set sizing.
From the Inspector panel, you can change an element's responsive behavior to one that better meets your needs. 
A screenshot of the Responsive Behavior drop-down when it's open, and the available options

Make the element's design match any screen

When you set an element to scale proportionally, you can ensure that its design looks ideal on every screen. Enable the Scale properties toggle in the Inspector to make it happen automatically.
A screenshot of the scale properties toggle, that appear only if you set the responsive behavior to scale proportionally
This is useful, for example, if your element has a defined border. The border might seem too thick and overbearing on small screens, or non-existent on large screens. With the toggle enabled, all you have to do is set the design you want on desktop.

Automatic and manual text scaling

In the Studio Editor, text is set to automatically scale in proportion to the screen size. You choose the font size you want on desktop, we take care of the rest. You can set minimum and maximum values to make sure the text never gets too small or too big for your design. 
If you need more precise control of the text scaling, select Custom instead. This lets you set the size range for each separate breakpoint. 
A screenshot of the scale text option in the Inspector, showing where to set the range you want for the breakpoint

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