Studio Editor: Adding and Customizing a Mega Menu

4 min read
Mega menus are containers that you can add to a horizontal menu. When visitors hover over the relevant menu item, the container opens. Design the container from scratch and decide what you want to use it for – multi-level navigation, showcasing featured products, or any other purpose.
Example of an e-commerce style mega menu, where the container shows many navigation links to different product categories
You should know:
It is only possible to add a mega menu container to a horizontal menu. Mega menu containers are not supported on vertical menus, anchor menus and hamburger menus.
In this article, learn how to:

Adding and setting up a mega menu container

Add the mega menu container as an item to an existing menu, and name it what you want. We recommend using a title that reflects your intended content, such as "Services" or "Our Story".
Once you've added and named your container, add elements such as buttons, shapes, and text to build the content you want. 

To add a mega menu:

  1. Select the relevant horizontal menu in your editor.
  2. Click Manage Menu.
  3. Click + Add Item at the bottom of the panel.
  4. Select Mega menu.
  5. Enter a title for the mega menu.
    Tip: This is the title visitors hover over to see the mega menu.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Add content to the mega menu:
    1. (In the Manage Menu panel) Click Edit next to Container.
    2. Add any elements you need to the container.
The Manage Menu panel, clicking Edit to start adding elements to a new mega menu container

Creating a dropdown menu

Use a mega menu to organize specific items on a site by creating a dropdown menu. When visitors click the mega menu, the dropdown menu and its items appear in the container. 
A dropdown menu has been opened on a Wix live site.
What to know:
You add and manage dropdown items from the same panel as the main menu - so it's even easier to set up site navigation.

To create a dropdown menu:

  1. Select the relevant horizontal menu in your editor.
  2. Click Manage Menu.
  3. (If the item hasn't been added to the horizontal menu) Click Add Item and set up the menu item you want.
  4. Nest the relevant menu item(s) under the mega menu: 
    1. Select the item in the Manage Menu panel.
    2. Drag and drop the item under the mega menu.
A GIF showing items being dragged and dropped under a mega menu from the manage menu panel - creating a dropdown menu.
Want to manage dropdown menu items?
Use the Manage Menu panel to reorder, rename, and remove items in a dropdown menu.

Adjusting the layout of the mega menu container

After adding the elements you want to the mega menu, change the layout to match your page structure. You can adjust the spacing, and decide how far the container stretches. 

To change the layout:

  1. Select the relevant menu in your editor.
  2. Click the Layout icon .
  3. Click Mega Menu.
  4. Use the options to adjust the layout:
    • Stretch container: Decide whether or not the container stretches to the full width of the visitor's screen. When disabled, you can set the desired width on the canvas or in the Inspector panel.
    • Margins: Add space (in px or %) between the mega menu container and the edges of the screen.
    • Space between items & container: Make the space between the menu and the mega menu container bigger or smaller by dragging the slider.
The mega menu tab in the menu layout panel in the Studio Editor.

Designing the mega menu

Once you've adjusted the layout of the container, design its borders, background, and more. To maintain a consistent look, changes you make to the mega menu also apply to any submenus you've added.

To customize the container's design:

  1. Select the relevant menu in your editor.
  2. Click the Open Inspector icon  at the top right of the editor.
A screenshot of opening the Inspector panel in the Studio Editor.
  1. Select Submenu container from the What do you want to design? drop-down.
  2. Use the available options to design the container:
    • Background fills: Set a color, gradient or image background for the container. You can add multiple layers of background with different levels of opacity. 
    • Borders: Add and design borders for the container.
    • Corners: Make the corners of the container more round or rectangular. 
    • Shadows: Add a shadow behind the container for a 3D effect.
Selecting to design the submenu container in the Inspector panel, showing the available options for mega menus

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