Protecting Your Site's Content

4 min read
Content protection is important, especially when it comes to intellectual property on your site.
Add a watermark while editing images in the Photo Studio, or enable it in your Photo Albums and the Art Store. You can also use a Pro Gallery or Right Click Protect app to prevent visitors from downloading your site content.

Learn more about:

Adding a Watermark with Photo Studio

Wix Photo Studio is a versatile tool that allows you to edit, adjust, and customize your images. Use the text tool to manually add a watermark to your photos. You can even adjust the font, size, format, and opacity. 

Enabling Watermarks in Photo Album and Art Store

You can enable and display a built in watermark with Photo Albums and Art Store. You can edit the text and symbol, and even upload your own file to use as a watermark.
Click an option below to see how to add a watermark from each app. 
It is not possible to add watermarks to product images in Wix Stores, although you can manually add a watermark to the image before uploading it. 

Right Click Protect in Pro Galleries

Keep your images safe by displaying them in a Wix Pro Gallery. Pro Gallery has built-in Right Click Protect feature on desktop, so visitors can't save your images with a right click. 
Pro Galleries have many different layout options available, and they're easily added from the Wix Editor. Learn More
Want to add a watermark to your pro gallery images?
You can vote for this option here.

Using the Right Click Protect App

Right Click Protect is an app available from the Wix App Market. When a visitor right clicks your content, they'll see a message informing them that the content is copyrighted. 
You can install it onto your site through the App Market, and even edit the message that is displayed through the settings. Learn More
The Right Click Protect app does not prevent visitors using Ctrl+C to copy your content. If you would like the app to develop this feature, you can vote for it here.
Currently, it is not possible to add a watermark or custom logo to videos with Wix Video, however, you can add a custom logo to embedded videos. If you would like the option to add a watermark to videos in Wix Video, you can vote for the feature here.

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