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Online Programs: How Participants Join Your Program

2 min
In this article
  • Joining your program from desktop
  • Joining your program from the member apps
After inviting participants to your program, they can join either from your site or from the relevant member app. Clicking your invitation link refers them to your place on the app where they can complete the steps on the go. 
To invite participants:
  • Make sure you've added and set up Online Programs.
  • You must publish a program for people to be able to join it. 
  • Upgrade your site so people can start joining your program. 

Joining your program from desktop

After reading about the program on your site, a visitor can register and begin completing steps right from their desktop. Once they click Join from the relevant program page, they are asked to sign in (or register as a site member if this is their first time visiting). If it is a paid program, they'll go to the checkout page to enter their payment details.
A screenshot of a thank you for joining message
Once joined, participants can view the program schedule and overview, leave feedback and begin completing any steps that are available.
A screenshot of a program page

Joining your program from the member apps

If a participant opens your invitation link from their phone, they get a link to download the relevant member app (if they aren't already a member of your site) in order to join the program. 
A screenshot of an invite to join a challenge in the mobile app
Once they download the app and become a member of your site by tapping Join
A screenshot of a request to join a challenge in the mobile app
Once joined, participants can access the program from the Online Programs tab or section of your site's member app.
A screenshot of a challenge in the mobile app
A screenshot of a thank you for joining message
A screenshot of a program page
A screenshot of an invite to join a challenge in the mobile app
A screenshot of a request to join a challenge in the mobile app
A screenshot of a challenge in the mobile app