Site Members: About Member Badges

2 min read
Before you begin:
To use member badges, you must install a Members Area on your site.
Assign badges to specific site members so that they stand out from all the other members. For example, you can create a badge such as "Star Blogger" for members who contribute the most to your blog, or a badge for members who are experts in a subject, for example "Yoga Expert".
Below you can see how the badges appear on your Members page of your website.

Creating and setting up a member badge

Create and set up your member badges from Site Members in your dashboard. During set up, you can add the badge title and description, and design the badge itself.

Setting permissions for a member badge

Set the permissions of badge holders to have access to specific member pages. Only those members that have the badge will have access to those pages.

Assigning a badge to a member

Assign a badge to a member in 2 ways; either from Site Members in your dashboard, or from your live site. You can assign a badge to as many members as you want.