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Wix Stores: Importing Products to Wix Stores

8 min
In this article
  • Step 1 | Download the Wix CSV Template File
  • Step 2 | Add Your Products & Upload the File
  • Adding your products
  • Uploading the CSV file
  • Dealing with Errors
  • FAQs
Planning to move from another eCommerce platform to Wix Stores? We're glad to have you on board. You can import your products using our Wix CSV template file to get your store up and running.  
Before you begin:
  • To migrate products from a store built on another eCommerce platform, first go to that platform and export your product data. Then, go to step 1 below.
  • To migrate from another Wix store, go to the site and export your products. Then, skip to step 2 below (Adding your products) to import the products to your new store.
  • To learn how to export and import products from the same store, click here.

Step 1 | Download the Wix CSV Template File

Download the Wix CSV template  file and save it on your computer. This file comes with 3 sample products, 2 of which have product variants. These are examples to help you understand how to add your products to the file.

To download the Wix CSV template file:

  1. Go to the Store Products tab in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click More Actions.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Click Download CSV File.
Screenshot of part of the import product process in Wix Stores
  1. Choose an option:
    • Blank Wix CSV template: Import products from another store.
    • Wix CSV with your products: Update existing products. Learn more
  2. Open the CSV file.
    Note: Mac users should open the file with Numbers or Excel version 15 or higher. 
  3. Save the downloaded file in CSV (Comma delimited) format.  
You can also click here to download the Wix CSV template file. 

Step 2 | Add Your Products & Upload the File

Add your products to the template file you downloaded. Once you're ready, upload the file to your store.

Adding your products

  1. Enter the product data into the template, following the instructions in the table below. You must also follow these guidelines:
    • Do not add or delete columns.
    • Do not edit column names.
    • Each product must have a handleId, name, fieldType, price
    • Each variant must have a handleId, fieldType, optionChoices.
    • If you're unsure how to fill out non-mandatory fields, leave them blank and make changes to products later.
    • Your file from another platform may have fields not found in the Wix CSV Template file. Do not add them.
  2. Delete the rows of sample data.
    Note: You can also leave the sample data and delete the sample products after the import.
  3. Save the file in a CSV format.
What is it?
A unique label used to identify the product.
Field is mandatory
Variants of a product must have the same handleId as the product.
Whether item is a product or a variant
Field is mandatory

Must be Product or Variant.
The name you gave your product
Mandatory for products. Variants should be left blank.

Max. length: 80 characters
Your product description
Max. length: 8000 characters 
Product images 
Max. 15 images / GIFs per product separated by a semicolon  . Do not add a space after semicolons. Must be a URL. Learn how to locate the URL.

Note: Image URLs stored on other platforms won't load if that store (hosted on the other platform) has been deleted. Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and upload images directly to your Wix store after import.
The accepted file formats are .jpg, png, and gif.
The collection(s) (categories) a product belongs to
Enter collection names, separated by a semicolon  ;. Don't include the "All products" collection.
Stock keeping unit
Max. length: 40 characters
Can be made up of characters or digits. Must be unique.
Ribbon appears on product on live site. (e.g. “On Sale”)
Max. length: 20 characters 
Product price
Mandatory for products. Leave blank for variants  

Positive number or zero. 
No more than 9 digits. 
No more than 2 digits after the decimal point.
Is variant price the same as the product price? Is it less? Is it more?
Leave blank for products.
Leave blank if a variant has no surcharge.
Can be a positive or negative number.
No more than 9 digits.
No more than 2 digits after the decimal point.
If item is hidden or visible in gallery
Must be TRUE or FALSE.
Case sensitive

If field is left blank, it's marked TRUE
Amount discount or percentage discount
Case sensitive
How  much the discount is
No more than 9 digits
If percent, must be between 1-99
If amount, must be less than product price.
Product or variant inventory amount
Must be InStock, OutOfStock, or a number (e.g. 55).

If field is left blank, it is marked InStock
Product weight 
No more than 9 digits
No more than 3 digits after decimal point
Cost of good (if you entered how much the product costs you to buy or make)
No more than 9 digits
No more than 2 digits after decimal point
Name of option type (e.g. color, size)
No more than 50 characters Maximum 6 option names
Choose Color or "drop-down" for everything else 
Mandatory for product options. 

Must be either COLOR or DROP_DOWN
Case sensitive
Option choices
In product rows, enter all products options (if present) separated by a semicolon ;

In variant rows, enter the relevant variant description.

Drop_Down: Enter a text description.
Max. length: 20 characters per option

COLOR: Enter an RGB value (+ text description) OR hexadecimal value (+ text description) per option.

Note: Best to enter a value + text
(e.g. #ffffff:white;#000000:black) OR RGB(255, 165, 0):Orange;  RGB(94,162,38):Green
Additional product information section title
Mandatory when there is additional info.

A maximum of 6 allowed per product.
Max. length: 50 characters
Additional info description
Additional product information section contents
If you enter HTML code, make sure it is accurate because it won't be validated. Incorrect HTML tags may cause the Product Page to stop functioning.
Max. length: 8000 characters
Title of custom text field on live site
Mandatory when there is custom text

A maximum of 2 allowed per product.
Max. length: 100 characters
Character limit customers can enter 
Mandatory when there is custom text

Enter a value between 1- 500 
Whether customers are required to enter custom text
Must be either TRUE or FALSE
Case sensitive
Once all the data has been entered, you can go back to the Store Products tab and upload the file. 

Uploading the CSV file

  1. Go to the Store Products tab in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click More Actions.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Click Upload CSV File.
Screenshot of part of the import product process in Wix Stores
  1. Upload the updated file you saved and click Continue
  2. Read the import review and check for error messages.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • No products with errors: Click Import Products to complete the process.
    • Products with errors: If you have products with errors, you can either correct the errors and import again (see instructions below) or import your products as is. If you go ahead and import without fixing errors, only products without errors are imported.
      Note: If you decide to import without correcting the errors, first click View Errors so that you know which products or variants are not imported.
Product images may take up to one hour to upload if you have many products. You can continue to make changes in your store while the images upload in the background. 
To view your imported products, go to the Store Products tab in your site's dashboard and select Last imported from the Filter by by drop-down.
Screenshot of the filter dropdown in the Wix store products tab

Dealing with Errors

If any of the rows in the file contain a critical error, it is displayed in the Import review.
Screenshot of the error list when importing product in Wix Stores

To handle errors & upload a corrected file:

  1. Click View Errors.
  2. View the specific error in the Error column.
    Note: For information on what each error means, click here.
Screenshot of the error list when importing product in Wix Stores
  1. Open the CSV file.
  2. Correct the errors.
  3. Save the CSV file.
  4. When you're ready, click Upload New CSV to import the corrected file.
    Note: It may take a few minutes to complete the import process. 
Screenshot of the error list when importing product in Wix Stores


Screenshot of part of the import product process in Wix Stores
Screenshot of part of the import product process in Wix Stores
Screenshot of the filter dropdown in the Wix store products tab
Screenshot of the error list when importing product in Wix Stores
Screenshot of the error list when importing product in Wix Stores
Screenshot of the error list when importing product in Wix Stores