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Wix Studio: Inviting a Client to Join a Site

4 min read
In this article
  • Inviting a client to join your site
  • Checking the status of an invitation
  • Resending an invitation
  • Allowing clients to use the Editor
  • FAQs
When your client's site is ready, invite them as a collaborator and control their access, including site editing and dashboard permissions.
Ready to hand over a site?
With Wix Studio, you can enhance your client handover process by creating a personalized client kit.

Inviting a client to join your site

Send a client an invite and assign them a predefined or custom role. You can update their role or remove access anytime.
Clients can't duplicate a Studio Editor site unless they also use Wix Studio.

To send an invitation to a client:

  1. Go to Sites in your Wix Studio workspace.
  2. Hover over the Collaborators icon on the relevant site. 
  3. Click Invite People.
A screenshot of inviting people to a site in your Wix Studio workspace.
  1. Enter your client’s email address.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the relevant role(s). 
  3. Click Send Invite.
  4. In the pop-up, select Client and click Done. They'll be marked as CLIENT in Roles & Permissions, and their invite email and landing page will be tailored to the client experience.

Checking the status of an invitation

Check the Roles & Permissions in the site's dashboard. A 'PENDING' label means the invite hasn’t been accepted yet.

The Joined on column shows when the invite was sent and how many days remain before it expires. Invitation emails are valid for 30 days.
Screenshot of the Roles and Permissions page. Highlighted is a collaborator's

Resending an invitation

Resend a client invitation anytime via email or by sharing an invite link.

To resend an invitation:

  1. Go to Sites in your Wix Studio workspace.
  2. Hover over the Collaborators icon on the relevant site.
  3. Click Manage Collaborators.
  4. Hover over the relevant person and click the More Actions  icon.
  5. Choose how you want to resend the invitation:
    • Send it through Wix: Click Resend Invite. Wix will resend the invitation to the email address that you entered.
      Tip: If your client doesn’t see the invite, ask them to check their spam folder.
    • Send it yourself: Click Get Invite Link. The link is automatically copied to your clipboard. Paste it in an email or chat message to your client.
      Note: This feature is currently not available in Safari.
Screenshot of the Roles and Permissions page. On a Collaborator, More actions is open, the cursor is over

Allowing clients to use the Editor

Once accepted, clients can access their site in the Studio Editor. In content mode, they can update text and images but can’t modify your design. If their role only includes Edit Content, this is the only mode they can access.
An example of a page with the Edit Content mode, showing what clients can edit
If your client has a role with more permissions, like Co-Owner, they can also access the Full Mode. This mode lets them open the Studio Editor, the same way you see it. However, the actions they're allowed to perform still depend on the role you assign. 
A screenshot of the Home page of a site dashboard, where clients can access Full Mode
Learn more about how clients can use the Studio Editor.


Click a question below to learn more about inviting clients.
A screenshot of inviting people to a site in your Wix Studio workspace.
Screenshot of the Roles and Permissions page. Highlighted is a collaborator's
Screenshot of the Roles and Permissions page. On a Collaborator, More actions is open, the cursor is over
An example of a page with the Edit Content mode, showing what clients can edit
A screenshot of the Home page of a site dashboard, where clients can access Full Mode