Wix Stores: Customer Checkout with Apple Pay or Google Pay

2 min read
After you setup Apple Pay or Google Pay, you can offer customers the convenience of paying with their phones. 

Additional payment buttons in the Product page

You can display an Apple Pay or Google Pay button to relevant customers in the Product page, along with the 'Add to Cart' button. This comes in place of the 'Buy Now' button. If you connected PayPal as well, 3 payment buttons are displayed.
Screenshot of the Product Page in a Wix store with the Apple Pay checkout button outlined

To display additional payment buttons in the Product page:

  1. Select the Product page in the editor.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Under Buy Now, enable the Show button toggle.
Screenshot of setting in the Product Page in Wix where you enable the Buy Now button
  1. Enable the Change automatically by payment method toggle.
Screenshot of setting in the Product Page in Wix where you enable additional payment options

Additional payment buttons in the Cart & Checkout pages

In the cart page, the Apple Pay or Google Pay button will appear along with PayPal (if connected) and a checkout button (if the manual payments, Square, Stripe or other payment provider is connected). 
Screenshot of the Cart Page in a Wix site with the Apple Pay checkout button outlined
Additional payment buttons are also displayed at the top of the Checkout page. This means customers won't be required to enter their details on your site. 
Screenshot of the checkout page in a Wix store with Apple Pay enabled


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