Wix Restaurants: Managing Incoming Orders with the New Wix Restaurants Orders App

5 min read
  • This article is about Wix Restaurants Orders (New), Wix's new online ordering app. 
  • For info on the previous online ordering app, click here
Manage active orders and get them out quickly, using Wix Restaurant Orders. 
The Online Orders tab is where you track the status of your orders. If you offer delivery, you can track the progress of an order through 4 statuses (in 4 columns): Pending, Accepted, Ready, and Out for Delivery. If you only offer pickup, you'll see only the first 3 statuses.
In addition to the information you'll find in the Online Orders tab, details of your customer's order, including contact details, customer notes, addresses, payment status, and more can be found in the Orders tab. 
This information is always available in the Orders tab, even after the order has been fulfilled or canceled.
Screenshot of ORders tab showing multiple restaurant orders

Step 1 | Receive the order notification

When an order comes in, you'll be notified by email. You can also set up additional types of notifications. 
You can also receive notifications on your phone via the Wix Owner app. Just download the app to your phone to start receiving notifications:

Step 2 | Accept or reject the order

To get started, click Accept on an incoming order to move it to the "Accepted" column.  You can see at a glance what was ordered as well as any customer notes or modifications.

To accept or reject an order:

  1. Go to Online Orders in your site's dashboard.
  2. Choose what you want to do:
    • Accept: Click Accept
    • Reject:
      1. Click the More Actions icon .
      2. Select Cancel order or Cancel and refund order.
      3. (Optional) Deselect the email to customer.
      4. (Optional) If sending an email to your customer, enter a short note.
      5. Click Continue.
      6. Click Cancel order.
        Note: This cannot be undone.
Business that accept pre-orders:
If you accept orders days in advance, you can also click the calendar view to view upcoming orders by date.
Screenshot of top of Online Ordering page with cursor on Calendar View tab

Step 3 | Get the order ready

Now you can get to work preparing the order for your customer. 
As soon as it's done, click Mark as Ready so it can be delivered or picked up. If it's a delivery order, your customer will see a Ready status on the tracking page.
  • You can access the customer's details by selecting the order in the Orders tab.
  • Click to expand or collapse the order details.

Step 4 | Complete the order

In the Ready column, you'll see one or both of these options: Mark as Fulfilled for pickup orders and Out for Delivery for delivery orders.

To complete an order:

  1. Go to Online Orders in your site's dashboard.
  2. Select an option:
    • Delivery orders: 
      1. Click Out for Delivery when an order is collected by the courier.
      2. Click Mark as Fulfilled when your customer receives the order.
        Note: The order is removed from the screen.
    • Pickup orders: Click Mark as Fulfilled when an order is picked up.
      Note: The order is removed from the screen.


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