Wix Events: About Wix Ticket Service Fees

3 min read
A 2.5% ticket service fee is charged for transactions processed through Wix Payments, similar to other payment providers. This fee covers the processing of funds to and from your account. 
When creating a new ticket, you can choose who covers the ticket service fee (buyer or business) charged by Wix on ticket sales.
A screenshot showing how to add ticket service fees and select whether to absorb the fee yourself or pass it to the buyer.

Pass the ticket service fee on to buyer

At checkout, the ticket service fee is separate from the ticket price, making the cost clear for buyers. A 2.5% fee is added to the ticket price.
For example, if you set the ticket price to $100, buyers will see a total charge of $102.50 at checkout. The $100 ticket price goes to you, while the additional $2.50 covers the ticket service fee. 
A screenshot of a ticketed event order with a ticketed service fee.

Absorb the ticket service fee

By absorbing the ticket service fee, you keep the total price lower for buyers. The 2.5% fee is subtracted from your earnings instead of added to the buyer's total.
For example, if you set the ticket price at $100, buyers will only pay $100 at checkout. However, after the 2.5% ticket service fee is deducted, you will receive $97.50. 
A screenshot of a ticketed event order with an absorbed ticket service fee.

Track payout details

From the Orders tab, you can see how many tickets you’ve sold and the total revenue for the event. Total sales is the revenue you’ve earned from ticket sales before the ticket service fee is deducted. Net sales is the revenue you’ve earned from ticket sales after the ticket service fee is deducted.
A screenshot of the payout details on the Orders tab of an event.

Processing fee vs. Ticket service fee

Processing fees collected by payment providers are separate from the Wix ticket service fee.
For payment providers who charge a processing fee:
  • Wix Payments: You’ll receive a monthly email with the details.
  • Third-Party Providers: Request the invoice directly from them.


When you refund a ticket that includes a Wix ticket service fee, the payment processor will refund the fee in full.
If you refund part of the ticket, the Wix ticket service fee is reduced by that same amount. For example, a 50% refund also reduces the ticket service fee by 50%.
Check with your payment provider about their refund policies for processing fees.

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