Wix Chat: About Notifications
3 min read
In this article
- Never miss a new message
- Keep your inbox clutter-free
- Share the responsibility of managing your messages
- FAQs
Notifications instantly alert you and your collaborators to every new Wix Chat message submitted through your site's chatbox. Reply in real time or follow up later. Set up these notifications so they work best for your business, and choose to receive them via email, mobile or desktop.
All incoming Wix Chat messages are routed to Wix Inbox, so you manage your Chat notification settings in your Wix Inbox Settings.
You cannot change notification settings for chat messages only. Changing notification settings in the Inbox Settings affects all inbox notifications (e.g. new email received, new form received).

Ready to get started?
Explore your Inbox notification settings.
Never miss a new message
How would you like to be notified of incoming chat messages? You have the option to turn on email, desktop and mobile notifications. Stay in the loop and reply instantly, whether you're at your desk or on the move.
Learn more about managing your notification settings.

Keep your inbox clutter-free
Keep your email notifications separate from other Wix account emails by having them sent to an address other than the one you've set as your account email.
Learn more about changing the email address your notifications go to.
Share the responsibility of managing your messages
If you'd like certain team members to be notified of incoming messages (as well as you or instead of you), enable collaborator email notifications. You can set permissions for each collaborator so they have access to specific parts of your dashboard and site.
Learn more about enabling email notifications for collaborators.

Here are some common questions about managing your notification settings:
How can I change the email address my Chat notifications go to?
Why am I not receiving Chat notifications on desktop?