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Transferring Your Domain to Wix

2 min
Before you begin:

To transfer your domain to Wix:

  1. Go to Domains in your Wix account.
  2. Click Add an Existing Domain and select Transfer your domain to Wix.
  3. Read the information on your screen and click Start Transfer.
  4. Enter the domain you want to transfer (e.g., mystunningwebsite.com).
  5. Select where the domain was purchased from the drop-down. 
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Log in to your account with the current domain host:
    1. (In a different browser tab) Log in to the account where your domain was purchased.
    2. (In your Wix account) Select the I logged in checkbox.
  8. Make sure your domain is ready to transfer:
    1. (In a different browser tab) Unlock your domain from your current domain host. 
    2. (In your Wix account) Select the I unlocked it checkbox. 
  9. Get an authorization code from your account with the current domain host. 
  10. Paste the code under Enter authorization code
  11. Click Continue.
Domain transfer flow with Continue button
  1. Select an extension period of at least one year.
    Tip: If you have a free domain voucher, it's automatically applied.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Check and/or edit your contact information. Then, click Continue.
  4. Select a privacy option
    • Private Registration: Your contact details won't appear in the WHOIS domain information records. You can turn the privacy protection option on and off whenever you want.
    • Public Registration: Your name and address always remain public in the WHOIS domain information records. You can only change it to private when manually extending the domain subscription.
  5. Click Continue
  6. Select your payment method and click Submit Purchase.
What's next?
Once you've submitted the purchase, an email is sent from wix-team@registrar.wix.com to your domain's registrant, confirming the transfer has been initiated. It may take up to 7 days for your domain transfer to complete.
Domain transfer flow with Continue button