Important Information about Transferring Your Domain to Wix

2 min
Transferring your domain to Wix from another registrar ensures the following:
  • Wix becomes the domain host: Your domain renewal is done from your Wix account and not from your previous domain host.
  • You can manage your DNS records from your Wix account: This includes connecting your email, pointing your domain to a different IP address, connecting subdomains, etc.

Review the following before transferring your domain to Wix:

  • To connect your domain, you must upgrade your site.
  • You must request an authorization code from your current domain registrar.
  • Check that at least 60 days have passed since your domain was registered, as the domain will be locked otherwise.
    Note: Changes to the registrant information also locks your domain for 60 days
  • Verify that your domain is unlocked.
  • (If your domain has private registration) Change your domain privacy settings to public at your domain host.
  • Currently, you can only transfer domains with the following extensions: .com, .org, .net, .biz, .info, .co, .guru, .email, .expert, .photography, .pictures, .space, .rocks .tokyo, .xyz., .company, .club, .solutions, .today, .technology, .tips, .center, .directory, .ninja, .photos, .land, .agency, .gift, .holiday, .christmas, .top, .design, .london, .online, .org, .party, .site, .store, .shop, .wiki, .mx, and .website.  
  • Any remaining time left in your domain's current registration period is retained when you transfer it to Wix. The minimum 1-year extension you buy when transferring to Wix is added to any remaining time left in your domain's registration period. This means you do not lose any registration time you've already paid for with your old domain registrar. 
You can connect your domain to your Wix site rather than transfer if to Wix if you would prefer to keep your domain with your current host.