Studio Editor Request: Scrolling Inside Lightboxes

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Currently, site visitors cannot scroll inside a lightbox to see more of its content. 
As a workaround, you can add a transparent container that's docked to the bottom with a negative margin. This creates content overflow inside the lightbox, which will allow visitors to scroll down. 

To manually add the option to scroll:

  1. Select the lightbox.
  2. Add a container and make it transparent:
    1. Add any container from the Add Elements panel, attaching it to the lightbox.
    2. Click Open inspector  at the top right of the editor.
    3. (In the inspector) Scroll down to Design.
    4. Drag the Background slider to 0% opacity. 
  3. Dock the container to the bottom and "create" the content overflow:
    1. (In the Inspector) Scroll down to Position.
    2. Dock the container to the bottom.
    3. Add a bottom margin with a negative value (e.g. -15%).  
      Tip: The negative margin you should enter depends on the amount of content you have. 
  4. Make the lightbox container scrollable: 
    1. Select the lightbox container.
    2. Click Open Inspector  at the top right of the editor.
    3. (In the Inspector) Scroll down to Layout.
    4. Set the Overflow content to Scroll
  5. Preview the site to see how it looks. 
We are always working to update and improve our products, and your feedback is greatly appreciated.