Limitations of Restoring a Saved Version of Your Site
2 min
Each time you edit your site, a version of it is saved in your site history. You can restore any previous version of your site to revert it back. However, some components do not revert back when you restore your site.
View the impact restoring your site has on the following components:
Site component | Impact |
Wix apps | Content in the following apps does not revert when restoring to a previously saved version of your site:
Contacts | Contact details gathered over time, chat history from Wix Chat, messages in your inbox and site members' permissions do not revert when restoring your site to a previously saved version. |
Email Marketing | Email Marketing drafts you have created and statistics on past emails do not revert . |
Media galleries and Pro Gallery | Media galleries and the Pro Gallery, always store and display the latest saved version. It is not possible to restore your galleries to a previous version. |
Multilingual sites | Languages you added, deleted, made visible, or hid do not revert when you restore a version of your site. However, changes made to content, design, and layout do revert back to the previous version. |
SEO | Changes that you make to your page's SEO panel revert to their previous version when you restore your site to a previous version. Changes that you make in your site's SEO Settings do not revert. |
CMS (Content Management System) | Restoring your site reverts its pages and their designs to a previous version. This applies to your dynamic pages and their layouts. However, the content and data structure (schema) in your CMS collections are not reverted when restoring your site. You can use CMS backups to restore previous versions of your collections. |
Pro Gallery and Portfolio | Once you make a change to your Pro Gallery or Portfolio and publish your site, you cannot undo those changes by restoring a previous version of your site from your site history. |