Pricing Plans: Limiting Your Blog to Members Who Purchased a Pricing Plan

3 min read
With the Pricing Plans app, you can create and sell plans that limit your blog to plan holders.
Before you begin:
This article shows you how to limit your blog so that only people who purchased a pricing plan can access the feed and all of your posts. First, make sure to:
  1. Add Wix blog to your site.
  2. Add the Pricing Plans app.
  3. Create the plans you want to offer on your site. 

To limit access to your blog to visitors who purchased a pricing plan:

  1. Access the Post Page settings:
2. Select the Permissions tab.
3. Select the Members Only.
4. Select Only selected members or paying customers.
5, Click the Edit icon under Select from your Pricing Plans.

6. Select which pricing plans give access and click Apply.

7. (Optional) To limit access to the blog and category feeds (as opposed to the post page itself), follow the instructions above, but select Blog in step 3.
To accept online payments through the Pricing Plans app, you need a Business & eCommerce Plan.

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