Manually Adding Reservations in Wix Hotels
2 min read
This article refers to the original Wix Hotels. If you are using the new Wix Hotels by HotelRunner, which is not yet available to all users, please read the information here. Learn how to check which version of Wix Hotels you are using.
Wix Hotels allows you to manually add reservations received offline (phone, email, etc.).
You can also update a reservation status when your guests have checked in or out.
To manually add reservations:
- Go to your dashboard.
- Click the Hotels tab.
- Click the Reservations tab.
- Click New Reservation.
- Click the Reservation Status drop-down menu and select a reservation type.
- Reserved: This booking is to reserve a room.
- Checked In: The guests have checked in.
- Checked Out: The guests have checked out.
- Not Available: This room is not available.
- Enter the booking details (Check in, Check Out, etc.)
- Enter the guest details (First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, etc.). Note: Payment details will display after selecting your Room and Room Type.
- Click Save.
To accept payments for manual reservations, you must have a payment processor which accepts offline payments. After your guest pays for the reservation, you can update the reservation status and notes.

You can also manually add a reservation by selecting dates on the calendar and clicking Create Reservation.