Exporting or Embedding Your Wix Site Elsewhere

2 min
Your Wix site is a standard HTML5 site, and is built with Wix’s technology. In order for your site to work properly, it needs to be hosted and operated on Wix's servers. You can, however, connect a domain to your Wix site, and purchase and manage the domain with another provider.

Wix offers a cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) technology, which has many advantages. Read more about them below:
SaaS technology has a limitation - that it must run on the provider’s infrastructure in order for it to work properly. Since Wix is a SaaS solution, your site must run on Wix’s servers. To clarify, the content you build on Wix belongs to you (see Wix's Terms of Use). The reason you can't use another host for your Wix site is that the SaaS architecture does not support external hosting since it uses Wix’s proprietary technology and relies on Wix’s services to operate. 

If you embed your site into an external location, Wix cannot provide support, and Wix is no longer in control of the way your site appears or functions. Additionally, Google Analytics and search engines may not work properly with embedded sites.
If you have a domain hosted elsewhere:
To connect a domain to your Wix site, you must upgrade your site with a plan.