Wix Site Hosting
1 min
Wix offers a comprehensive solution for hosting your website, ensuring it's secure, reliable, and easy to manage. With Wix, you don't need to worry about the complexities of web hosting; we handle it all for you. This allows you to focus on creating and growing your site.
We offer free and secure hosting for every Wix website. All you have to do is create your site. This includes 500MB of storage and 500MB bandwidth. Your site comes with a free domain which looks like this: username.wixsite.com/stunning
To get your own custom domain or connect one you already own, upgrade your site with a plan. Having your own custom domain makes it easier to find you online and increase your credibility. By purchasing a plan, you can replace your free Wix domain with a custom domain name, like this: www.mystunningwebsite.com
Learn more about Wix's free web hosting.